[Tex/LaTex] putting tikzpicture inside beamer


I am trying to add tikzpicture inside Beamer. However, I cannot use such functions as \pause, enumerate etc with TikZ.

Here is what I got thus far. I would like to change the enumerate environment and \pause after each point.

%\usepackage[a4paper,left=2.0cm, right=2.0cm, top=4.5cm, bottom=2.5cm]{geometry}


\begin{frame}{Time Line of the Model}

 %draw horizontal line
 \draw (-2,0) -- (10,0);

 %draw vertical lines
 \foreach \x in {-1.5,3,8}
   \draw (\x cm,3pt) -- (\x cm,-3pt);

 %draw nodes
 \draw (-1.5,0) node[above=3pt] {$ 0 $};
 \draw (3,0) node[above=3pt] {$ 1 $};
 \draw (8,0) node[above=3pt] {$ 2 $};

\node[align=left, below] at (0,-.5)%
1) The board of directors \\ offers the manager a \\ contract ($\omega_0, \omega_p, \omega_v$).\\\\ 
2) The short-term $v_S$, \\and the long-term $v_L$  \\ projects are initiated \\ by the manager.\\\\
3) The manager is \\ (partially) compensated \\ a fixed wage of $\omega_0$.\\\\
4) The IPO price of the \\stock  $p_0$ is determined \\by the investors

\node[align=left, below] at (4.5,-.5)%
1) Speculators observe\\ costly noisy signals $\theta_S $ \\ and $\theta_L)$ of the value of \\ short- and long-term \\ project. \\\\
2) The market for the firm's \\ shares opens for trade;\\ and the resulting market \\ price is $p$.\\\\
3) The manager is \\ (partially) compensated \\ an amount of $\omega_p p$.

\node[align=left, below] at (8.5,-.5)%
1) The terminal value \\of the firm $v$ is realized.\\\\
2) The manager is \\  (partially) compensated \\an amount of $\omega_v v$.

Best Answer

I would use the columns environment to split your page; the tikzpicture works well for the line across the top, but there's no need to use it for all of the other parts.


Note that the columns environment takes an optional argument to specify the vertical alignment; I've used [t] for top. The environment allows you to specify each column using


which I have done, and changed all of your manual lists to enumerate. You can now add \pause at the end of each \item and get the display you want :) See section 12.7 of the documentation for more details.



\begin{frame}{Time Line of the Model}

    %draw horizontal line
    \draw (-2,0) -- (10,0);

    %draw vertical lines
    \foreach \x in {-1.5,3,8}
    \draw (\x cm,3pt) -- (\x cm,-3pt);

    %draw nodes
    \draw (-1.5,0) node[above=3pt] {$ 0 $};
    \draw (3,0) node[above=3pt] {$ 1 $};
    \draw (8,0) node[above=3pt] {$ 2 $};

            \item The board of directors offers the manager a  contract ($\omega_0, \omega_p, \omega_v$). 
            \item The short-term $v_S$, and the long-term $v_L$   projects are initiated  by the manager.
            \item The manager is  (partially) compensated  a fixed wage of $\omega_0$.
            \item The IPO price of the stock  $p_0$ is determined by the investors
            \item  Speculators observe costly noisy signals $\theta_S $  and $\theta_L)$ of the value of  short- and long-term  project. 
            \item The market for the firm's  shares opens for trade; and the resulting market  price is $p$.
            \item The manager is  (partially) compensated  an amount of $\omega_p p$.
            \item The terminal value of the firm $v$ is realized.
            \item  The manager is   (partially) compensated an amount of $\omega_v v$.