[Tex/LaTex] Putting the name ahead of the co-authors on a latex title page


Grad student here, getting ready to submit a paper. I've done 92% of the work on a paper I'm submitting, but I've got three (senior) co-authors. I want to put my name up top, and put their names in a row below mine. Right now, it has the names all in a row, with the last author on the bottom:

\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb, amsfonts, amsthm, amstext, setspace, color, geometry, enumitem, hyperref, versions, tikz, cite, tabularx,tabulary, subfig, lscape, parskip}

\newcommand{\E}{\mathbb{E}}     %Expectation operator
\title{My excellent paper about Science}
\author{Lead Author\\Dept\\ School \and Co-Author1\\Dept\\ School \and Co-Author2\\Dept\\ School \and Co-Author3\\Dept\\ School}
\date{This version: April 9, 2013}


How would I change this to put myself at the top?

Best Answer

article class has very limited author formatting (most journal classes redefine this) however without redefining lots of internals just make yourself wide:

enter image description here

\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb, amsfonts, amsthm, amstext, setspace, color, geometry, enumitem, hyperref, versions, tikz, cite, tabularx,tabulary, subfig, lscape, parskip}

\newcommand{\E}{\mathbb{E}}     %Expectation operator
\title{My excellent paper about Science}
\author{\makebox[.9\textwidth]{Lead Author}\\Dept\\ School \and Co-Author1\\Dept\\ School \and Co-Author2\\Dept\\ School \and Co-Author3\\Dept\\ School}
\date{This version: April 9, 2013}
