[Tex/LaTex] Problem with TikZ, beamer and verbatim


I'm trying to put verbatim text inside a node (in a beamer frame):

\tikzstyle{cell} = [rectangle, draw, thin , fill=black!10 , minimum size=5mm]
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3cm, auto,>=latex', thick, overlay]
    \path[->,draw]<1-> node[cell] (p) {Text at \verb!p!};                

But it doesn't compile and produces an error. If one replaces \verb!p! with anything else, like "p", it compiles. Note that I also tried to put
"fragile" in the frame options. Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

You can use \Verb from the fancyvrb package:



\tikzstyle{cell} = [rectangle, draw, thin , fill=black!10 , minimum size=5mm]
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3cm, auto,>=latex', thick, overlay]
    \path[->,draw] node[cell] (p) {Text at \Verb!p!};                


As Caramdir has correctly suspected in a comment, if another document class (article, for example) is used there's no need to use \Verb and the standard \verb command will work.

enter image description here

You should also consider using \texttt{p} instead of \verb!p! (as Torbjørn T suggested in his comment) if your intention is just to use a mono-spaced font for the "p" character.