[Tex/LaTex] Preventing the “end square” of proof environment to be alone on a newpage after an enumeration


I have something like (with the packages amsthm and document class book):

\item blabla  
\item blabla  

The problem is, that ends on the bottom on a page and the square marking the end of the proof is alone on the next page. How can I avoid such behavior?

Best Answer

this is what the command \qedhere is meant for with amsthm:

\item blabla
\item blabla \qedhere

it should be placed on the last line of the last \item.

it also works when the proof ends with display math, placed just before the \end{...} command of the "main" environment. (there may be some disagreement over the vertical positioning in this case; for example, if the last line includes cases, the box will be placed on the main baseline of that line, which is not the last line of the cases environment.)