[Tex/LaTex] How to make proof environment without amsthm


I want to submit a paper to this Journal and they want the author to use the etds.cls.

The class uses a package called 'theorem' and they have scripted there own theorem command

\setlength{\theorempreskipamount}{6pt plus 2pt}
\setlength{\theorempostskipamount}{6pt plus 2pt}

\begingroup \makeatletter
        \item[\hskip\labelsep \theorem@headerfont ##1\ {##2.}]}%
   \item[\hskip\labelsep \theorem@headerfont ##1\ ##2\ (##3)]}}

Therefore, I can not include the package amsthm because I will get the error

! LaTeX Error: Command \theoremstyle already defined.

However, I cannot use the proof environment if I do not include the amsthm package. I asked the Journal what they would recommend and they responded that I can include a proof environment with

\newcommand{\proof}{\noindent {\it Proof. }}

but how do I get the square at the end of the proof without using amsthm?

Best Answer

Copy some definitions from amsthm.sty:

%% from here-------------------------
  \ifmmode % if math mode, assume display: omit penalty etc.
  \else \leavevmode\unskip\penalty9999 \hbox{}\nobreak\hfill
  \hbox to.77778em{%
  \vbox to.675em{\hrule width.6em\vfil\hrule}%
  \topsep6\p@\@plus6\p@ \trivlist
%% upto here----------------------------
    This is a proof

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