[Tex/LaTex] Please improve the logo to resemble our TeX.SX logo


It is free to use TikZ or PSTricks to answer my question. I want to recreate our TeX.SX logo. But my attempt is far from perfect. Please help me to make it more similar to the original one.

enter image description here


The aspects I want to improve:

  1. Font type.
  2. Font color and its shading.

Best Answer

There a few antialiasing artefacts that I don't know how to get rid of, and it uses some experimental code (what else?!). The font used is Hoefler (according to my Mac). The code itself won't work without some extra bits and pieces (one of which is the conversion of the Hoefler font to PGF paths - does anyone know the licence for Hoefler?). I also don't think that the braces are Hoefler.

The logo in TikZ

For what it's worth, here's the code:


  load font={hoefler}{normal},
  load encoding=name,


  use letter path/.code={%
\begin{tikzpicture}[every shadow/.style={
    shadow blur invert,
    shadow xshift=-1pt,
    shadow yshift=-3pt
\coordinate (bleft) at (-2,0);
\coordinate (T) at (0,0);
\coordinate (E) at (2.3cm,-.65cm);
\coordinate (X) at (4.35cm,0);
\coordinate (bright) at (8.6,0);
\fill[color=brace,use letter path=braceleft];
\clip[use letter path=braceleft];
\path[blur shadow,shadow xshift=2pt, shadow yshift=0pt,use letter path=braceleft];
\path[blur shadow,shadow xshift=-1pt, shadow yshift=0pt,use letter path=braceleft];
\fill[color=letter,use letter path=T];
\clip[use letter path=T];
\path[blur shadow,use letter path=T];
\fill[color=letter,use letter path=E];
\clip[use letter path=E];
\path[blur shadow,use letter path=E];
\fill[color=letter,use letter path=X];
\clip[use letter path=X];
\path[blur shadow,use letter path=X];
\fill[color=brace,use letter path=braceright];
\clip[use letter path=braceright];
\path[blur shadow,shadow xshift=2pt, shadow yshift=0pt,use letter path=braceright];
\path[blur shadow,shadow xshift=-1pt, shadow yshift=0pt,use letter path=braceright];
\path (current bounding box.north west) ++(-1,1)  (current bounding box.south east) ++(1,-1);
\clip[shift={(T)},use letter path=T] (current bounding box.north west) rectangle (current bounding box.south east);
\clip[shift={(bleft)},use letter path=braceleft] (current bounding box.north west) rectangle (current bounding box.south east);
\clip[shift={(E)},use letter path=E] (current bounding box.north west) rectangle (current bounding box.south east);
\clip[shift={(X)},use letter path=X] (current bounding box.north west) rectangle (current bounding box.south east);
\clip[shift={(bright)},use letter path=braceright] (current bounding box.north west) rectangle (current bounding box.south east);
\fill[logoBack,rounded corners] (current bounding box.north west) rectangle (current bounding box.south east);

As well as needing the letter shapes from Hoefler and the code to make use of it, in doing this I spotted an issue with the pgf-blur library now needing unique fading names. So it really isn't compilable with "off the shelf" code! Modulo a few updates, most of it is on the TeX-SX launchpad - Hoefler being the key exception.