[Tex/LaTex] Resemble popular messenger with LaTeX macros


I once saw a latex template, which you could use to create a Chat-Like document which has an appearance similar to current mobile chat applications (i.e. iMessage or Whatsapp).

I am of course looking for a static document compiled by latexor pdflatex and not a dynamic chat program.

I remember that I saw something similar done in LaTeX already, but I was not able to find it again.

I can imagine, that this has been done with tikz before.

Example images:
example whatsapp screenshot

Best Answer

A good starting point is the kik-android document class, as well as minimal working example of Brian Jacobs's answer in Showcase of beautiful typography done in TeX & friends

The above text links are enough because are from TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange, but just to compare with the image in the question, this is the result:
