[Tex/LaTex] pgf error: No shape named … is known, but only at 1st run


(This question extend this one.)

The following MCE:

  1. at its 1st compilation, leads to a:

    Package pgf Error: No shape named comment is known.

  2. if the 1st compilation is run without stopping, works like a charm at the subsequent ones (at its 3rd one, all the cross-references are right and the resulting PDF file is as expected).

Do you know how to make this example run smoothly at 1st compilation?







        ($ ({pic cs:line-#2-\@firstline-start} -| {pic
          cs:line-#2-#3-first})!.5!({pic cs:line-#2-#3-first}) $)%
          ({pic cs:line-#2-\@firstline-start} -| {pic cs:line-#2-#3-start})%
        \xdef\@blines{(pic cs:line-#2-\@firstline-start)}%
  \foreach \k in {#3,...,#4} {%
        \@blines (pic cs:line-#2-\k-first)%
        \@blines (pic cs:line-#2-\k-end)%
    \noexpand\tikz[remember picture,overlay]%
    \noexpand\node[fit={\@blines},draw] (#1) {};%
  \alt#5{\@balloon{#2}{#1}{#3}{#4}}{\tikz[overlay,remember picture]\path (0,0);}%
1st line of code
2nd line of code
3rd line of code
4th line of code
5th line of code
6th line of code
\tikz[overlay,remember picture] {
  \node[right=of comment] () {Foo};%

Best Answer

You should add suitable nodes in the alternative pathes, that means after


there should be a

 \tikz[remember picture,overlay]\node(#1){}; 

and in the balloon definition also in the branch with the \tikz command (in this case with #2 instead of #1).