[Tex/LaTex] Making the languages not bold in moderncv


I'm writing my CV with the moderncv package and I'd like the un-bold the text in front of each language.

In the following example, "Spoken" and "Barely Spoken" are bold, which I don't like.
I searched in the moderncv.cls file but I can't find "\cvlanguage" definition, although I can find \cventry


\title{The burger flipper}
\address{The big street}{neverland}
\extrainfo{99 year-old}


\cvlanguage{language1}{Spoken}{bla bla dygfzeiu rzegouerhg regoeru}
\cvlanguage{language2}{Barely Spoken}{}


Best Answer

Add the following lines in your preamble


so that your MWE becomes:


\title{The burger flipper}
\address{The big street}{neverland}
\extrainfo{99 year-old}



\cvlanguage{language1}{Spoken}{bla bla dygfzeiu rzegouerhg regoeru}
\cvlanguage{language2}{Barely Spoken}{}



enter image description here

Note that (thanks to Werner for the comment) you can also replace the above three lines with


In this case, the *-variant of \xpatchcmd is used to replace both instances of \bfseries.

Instead, if you need to change it only for one instance, you can insert \mdseries (which overwrites the default \bfseries) in the second argument, for example

\cvlanguage{language1}{\mdseries Spoken}{bla bla dygfzeiu rzegouerhg regoeru}