[Tex/LaTex] Bold text with cvlanguage and cvcomputer in moderncv


When I typeset


\cvlanguage{English}{not good}{}{}

not good is typeset in bold, but good is not. How can I typeset good in bold as well?

Best Answer

It seems you are using an old version of moderncv. The current version uses \name{Joe}{Doe}, older versions do not use or know command \name. Please check the log file and tell us the used TeX distribution (including version number) and the version number of used class moderncv.

The current versions for MiKTeX is 2.9, for TeX Live 2015 and for moderncv 2.0.0.

To get the current versions please just update your TeX distribution and check afterwards, that all packages are up to date.

For more informations see for example question installing vanilla TeX Live or update the TeX distribution.

To update only class moderncv see for example this question.

Without knowing the exact versions nunmer of moderncv you are using just now it is not possible to help you. One possibility for you is to check the examples which are supported with class moderncv. Then use only the shown syntax in the examples, but that mean that the given advices for newer version can not work for you!

UPDATE: I found a version 0.8 of moderncv, so I was able to check the code.

In version 0.8 of moderncv you can find the definitions for the two commands \cvcomputer and \cvlanguage in file moderncv.cls, lines 377 until 383:

% usage (inside 'language' cvsection environment): \cvlanguage{name}{level}{comment}
  \cvline{#1}{\begin{minipage}[t]{.225\maincolumnwidth}\textbf{#2}\end{minipage}\hfill\begin{minipage}[t]{0.725\maincolumnwidth}\raggedleft\footnotesize\itshape #3\end{minipage}}}
  %                                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^

% usage (inside 'computer skills' cvsection environment): \cvcomputer{category}{programs}{category}{programs}

As you can see, in command \cvlanguage you will find a \textbf{#2}, which causes the bold writing.

I think the best way for you is to define a new command \mycvlanguage without the bold writing.

Please run the following MWE on your system ( I can't, I have version 0.8 not installed):


%define own command without bold writing (deleted \textbf{}):
  \cvline{#1}{\begin{minipage}[t]{.225\maincolumnwidth}#2\end{minipage}\hfill\begin{minipage}[t]{0.725\maincolumnwidth}\raggedleft\footnotesize\itshape #3\end{minipage}}}

\cvcomputer{LaTeX}{good}{}{} % Good written in bold
\mycvlanguage{LaTeX}{good}{}{} % Good written not in bold
\cvlanguage{English}{not good}{}{}