[Tex/LaTex] Making row bold and keeping other formatting in pgfplotstable


I have a table where the last row needs to be bold. Currently, I can make it bold by following this question. However, when I make it bold, I lose all my number formatting.

Here are the 2 images:
enter image description here

enter image description here

Below is my whole file which produces a page with that table. I comment out the second to last row to produce the picture without bold.


Without Solar,21.587089894172,149.80185755952,1797.6222907142
Solar Payment,15.44620773416,128.15382726042,1537.845927125
Remaining Utility,-0.011600973866237,1.5746741682751,18.896090019302
New Bill,15.44620773416,277.95568481994,1556.7420171443

\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{test.dat} \savingsTable

\newcommand\displ[1]{%  Indicates the number of rows of the data file that we want to display in a given table         

%%  TABLES  %%

\pgfplotstableset{ % Makes bold a whole row of a table
        postproc cell content/.append code={
            \advance\count0 by1
            \pgfkeysalso{@cell content=\textbf{##1}}

\newcolumntype{R}[1]{>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{#1cm}}  % Right aligned, centered column
\newcolumntype{L}[1]{>{\arraybackslash\raggedright}p{#1cm}} % Left aligned, centered column




/pgf/number format/fixed zerofill=true,
row predicate/.code={\displ{5}},
create on use/TITLE/.style={%
  create col/set list={%
    Without Solar\\[-2.5ex]\tiny
    Estimated Annual increase 3.5\%
    Solar Payment\\[-2.5ex]\tiny
    Annual Escalator 2.9\%
    Remaining Utility,New Bill,Savings
columns/TITLE/.style={string type, column name=,column type=|L{\tabw}},
  /pgf/number format/fixed,precision=1,
  column name=\scriptsize\textcent/kWh,column type=|R{\tabw},
  postproc cell content/.append style={/pgfplots/table/@cell content/.add={}{\textcent}}
  column name={%
        \flushright\vskip-1.5ex Year 1\\[-1pt]Monthly\\[-1pt]Average\\[-4pt]
    column type=|R{\tabw},
    postproc cell content/.append style={/pgfplots/table/@cell content/.add={\$}{}
   /pgf/number format/set decimal separator={.},thousands separator={,},precision=2,
  column name={%
      \flushright\vskip-1.5ex Year 1\\[-1pt]Total\\[-4pt]}
  column type=|R{\tabw}|,postproc cell content/.append style={/pgfplots/table/@cell content/.add={\$}{}},
after row={\hline},
every head row/.style={before row={\hline\rowcolor{gray!10}}},
every row no 3/.style={before row={\rowcolor{yellow!50}}},
every row no 4/.style={before row={\rowcolor{YellowBar}}},


UPDATE: everything is working now thanks to @Zarko, however the font on the last 2 rows changes from the rest of the document:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Your problem is wrong approach in definition of highlightrow. If you replace it with

\pgfplotstableset{ % Makes bold a whole row of a table
        postproc cell content/.append code={
            \advance\count0 by1
            \pgfkeysalso{@cell content/.add={$\bf}{$}}

You will get desired result:

enter image description here


Edit: Since this problem is very interesting in general, I adopt your MWE for my archive. This adopted code has changes in column header cells (I like heads with only two lines), in the first column, where the unnecessary nested tables is omitted, the precision of numbers in second column is increased to 3.

I also omit for this table unnecessary packages and instead of report use standalone documentclass. This code

% XeLaTeX
% units and pgf-plots-table

NAME,               DOLKWH,             YEAR1MAV,           YEAR1TAV
Without Solar,      21.587089894172,    149.80185755952,    1797.6222907142
Solar Payment,      15.44620773416,     128.15382726042,    1537.845927125
Remaining Utility,  -0.011600973866237,   1.5746741682751,    18.896090019302
New Bill,           15.44620773416,     277.95568481994,    1556.7420171443
Savings,             6.1408821600121,  -128.15382726042,    240.88027356994
\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{test.dat}\savingsTable

\newcommand\displ[1]{%  Indicates the number of rows of the data file
                     %  that we want to display in a given table

%%  TABLES  %%
\pgfplotstableset{ % Makes bold a whole row of a table
        postproc cell content/.append code={
            \advance\count0 by1
            \pgfkeysalso{@cell content/.add={$\bf}{$}}
\newcolumntype{R}[1]{>{\raggedleft \arraybackslash}m{#1}}
\newcolumntype{L}[1]{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}m{#1}} %column


% \begin{table}\centering\caption{..}\label{...}

    /pgf/number format/fixed zerofill = true,
                  row predicate/.code = {\displ{5}},
           create on use/TITLE/.style = {create col/set list={%
% first column
    Without Solar\newline\scriptsize
    Estimated Annual increase \SI{3.5}{\%}
    Solar Payment\newline\scriptsize
    Annual Escalator \SI{2.9}{\%}
    Remaining Utility, New Bill, Savings}
                                        },% end of first column
    columns/TITLE/.style={string type,column name=,column type=|L{\tabw}},
% second column
    columns/DOLKWH/.style={/pgf/number format/fixed,precision=3,
                            column name=~\newline\textcent/kWh,
                            column type=|R{0.5\tabw},
                            postproc cell content/.append style={%
                                /pgfplots/table/@cell content/.add={}{\textcent}}
% third column
    columns/YEAR1MAV/.style={column name={\hfill Year 1\newline  Monthly Average},
                             column type=|R{\tabw},
                             postproc cell content/.append style={%
                                    /pgfplots/table/@cell content/.add={\$}{}}
% fourth column
    columns/YEAR1TAV/.style={column name={\hfill Year 1\newline Total},
                             column type=|R{0.6\tabw}|,
                             /pgf/number format/set decimal separator={.},
                             postproc cell content/.append style={%
                                    /pgfplots/table/@cell content/.add={\$}{}},
% rows styles
after row={\hline},
every head row/.style={before row={\hline\rowcolor{gray!10}}},
every row no 3/.style={before row={\rowcolor{yellow!50}}},
every row no 4/.style={before row={\rowcolor{YellowBar}}},

In above example I didn't bother with vertical and horizontal lines. Many people consider, that the looks of table without vertical rules and middle horizontal rules are more beautiful.

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