[Tex/LaTex] Pgfplotstable one row in bold


Considering this MWE, I am looking to obtain bold style on a row. The highlight's style works on columns but not on row.


\pgfplotstableset{highlight/.append style={
    postproc cell content/.append code={
            \pgfkeysalso{@cell content=\textbf{##1}}%
   every first column/.style={highlight,/pgf/number format/sci},
   every last row/.style={highlight,/pgf/number format/sci}, %does not work
    col sep=&,row sep=\\]{
  colA & colB & colC \\
  11   & 12   & 13   \\
  21   & 22   & 23   \\

Do you any idea ? This seems that postproc cell content does not work on rows.


Another problem is that the \pgfkeysalso remove the sci formatting….


\pgfplotstableset{hhb/.append style={
    postproc cell content/.append code={
            \pgfkeysalso{@cell content=\textbf{##1}}%
 every first column/.style={highlight,/pgf/number format/sci},
 % every last row/.append style={highlight},
 %every first column/.style={sci,postproc cell content/.append style=    {/pgfplots/table/@cell content/.add={\bf}{coucou}}},
  col sep=&,row sep=\\]{
 colA & colB & colC \\
 11   & 12   & 13   \\
 3E+4   & 22   & 23   \\


In order to avoid the previous problem, the syntax must be:

postproc cell content/.append style={
            /pgfplots/table/@cell content/.add={$\bf}{$},

But this works only for the columns and not for rows.


Solution to make ith row in bold:

        postproc cell content/.append code={
            \advance\count0 by1
            \pgfkeysalso{@cell content/.add={$\bf}{$}}
               %\pgfkeysalso{@cell content=\textbf{##1}}%

Example of use:

\pgfplotstabletypeset[ highlightrow={2},
    col sep=&,row sep=\\]{
  colA & colB & colC \\
  11   & 12   & 13   \\
  3E+4   & 22   & 23   \\

Best Answer

You are right, the postproc options apply only to column--specific options.

In order to restrict their application to specific rows, you have to make them dependent on the row index \pgfplotstablerow:


    highlight/.append style={
        postproc cell content/.append code={
                \pgfkeysalso{@cell content=\textbf{##1}}%
    highlight last row/.style={
        postproc cell content/.append code={
            \advance\count0 by1
                \pgfkeysalso{@cell content=\textbf{##1}}%
   every first column/.style={highlight,/pgf/number format/sci},
   highlight last row,
   every last row/.style={/pgf/number format/sci},
    col sep=&,row sep=\\]{
  colA & colB & colC \\
  11   & 12   & 13   \\
  21   & 22   & 23   \\

enter image description here

The manual was quite unclear on this particular aspect; I have improved the manual and introduced a check which detects such issues.