[Tex/LaTex] Making geometry worksheets in LaTeX


I work as a math tutor and I'd like to make geometry worksheets for 7th grade students: These worksheets would include finding the area of various polygons, and finding the volume of various shapes. I would just need some package that can draw the shape for me and allow me to insert various lengths/widths/heights. Is there such a package?


Thank you for the warm welcomes. Just to give more details I would be looking to make something like this


Is this possible in the TikZ package?

Best Answer

Here is something to get you started. The configuration assumes that each row of the worksheet will include 3 questions. However, you can easily adapt it if necessary.

As far as the figures are concerned, the only one which seems worth making a little more automatic is the circle because that always follows the same structure. In other cases, the labels etc. vary and, since the shapes are simple, you might just as soon draw them as you wish.

tikzqn is an environment which will automatically number the questions and insert answer spaces.

    \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.north), font=\sffamily, thick]
  \foreach \i in {1,2,3}
    \sffamily Answer:\hrulefill\bigskip\par
  pics/my circle/.style 2 args={
      \draw circle (#1);
      \draw [fill] (0,0) circle (1pt) -- (#1,0) node [midway, above] {#2};
   \pic {my circle={20mm}{71cm}};
  \draw (0,0) -- ++(40mm,0) node [midway, below] {37cm} -- ++(0,20mm) node [midway, right, anchor=north, sloped] {21cm} -| cycle;
  \draw (0,0) coordinate (a) -- ++(20mm,0) node [midway, below] {10cm} -- ++(-10mm,25mm) coordinate (c) -- cycle;
  \draw [dashed] (a -| c) -- (c) node [pos=.35, right, anchor=south, sloped] {8cm};
  \draw (a -| c) ++ (0,5pt) -| ++(5pt,-5pt);

  \draw (0,0) -- ++(0,40mm) node [midway, right, anchor=south, sloped] {3m} -| ++(10mm,-40mm) -- cycle node [midway, below, anchor=north] {75cm};
  \pic {my circle={15mm}{4cm}};
  \draw (0,0) -| ++(20mm,25mm) coordinate [midway] (b) coordinate (c) -- cycle;
  \path (0,0) -- (b) node [midway, below, anchor=north] {11cm} -- (c) node [midway, right, anchor=north, sloped] {17cm};
  \draw (b) rectangle ++(-5pt,5pt);

  \node (dia) [draw, shape=diamond, minimum size=30mm] {};
  \node [rotate=45, anchor=north] at (dia.south east)  {6cm};
  \draw (dia.north) ++(-2.5pt,-2.5pt) -- ++(2.5pt,-2.5pt) -- ++(2.5pt,2.5pt);
  \draw (dia.south) ++(-2.5pt,2.5pt) -- ++(2.5pt,2.5pt) -- ++(2.5pt,-2.5pt);
  \node (sc) [draw, shape=semicircle, minimum size=25mm, label=below:46mm] {};
  \draw [dashed] (sc.south) -- (sc.north) node [midway, left, anchor=south, sloped] {23mm};
  \draw (sc.south) ++(5pt,0) |- ++(-5pt,5pt);
  \draw (0,0) -- ++(35mm,0) coordinate (a) node [midway, below, anchor=north] {14cm} arc (-90:90:15mm) coordinate (b) -| cycle;
  \draw [dashed] (a -| b) -- (b) node [midway, right, anchor=south, sloped] {5cm};
  \draw [dashed] ([yshift=15mm]a) coordinate (c) -- ++(15mm,0) node [midway, below, anchor=north] {2.5cm};
  \draw (a) ++(-5pt,0) |- ++(5pt,5pt) (c) ++(5pt,0) |- ++(-5pt,5pt);

  \node (tri) [draw, regular polygon, regular polygon sides=3, label=-90:10cm, minimum size=45mm] {};
  \path (tri.corner 2) -- (tri.corner 1) node [midway, left, anchor=south, sloped] {10cm};
  \path (tri.corner 3) -- (tri.corner 1) node [midway, left, anchor=south, sloped] {10cm};
  \node (sq) [draw, regular polygon, regular polygon sides=4, label=-90:8cm, minimum size=40mm] {};
  \path (sq.south east) -- (sq.north east) node [midway, right, sloped, anchor=north] {8cm};
  \node [draw, regular polygon, regular polygon sides=5, label=-90:7cm, minimum size=35mm] {};


geometry worksheet