[Tex/LaTex] Loop for includegraphics


I try to make multiple slides in beamer with 3 figures on each slide and the title.
I would like to loop through the list/array of figures and set the frame title.
The name of the figure files and the name of the frame should be different.

Here is the attempt:

\def\fnames{red, green, blue}

\foreach \name in \fnames {%

    \includegraphics[width=4.cm]{./plots/tot\name _log.eps} 
    \includegraphics[width=4.cm]{./plots/tot\name _log.eps} 
    \includegraphics[width=4.cm]{./plots/tot\name _log.eps} 


The question: is it possible to set the title of the frame from a separate list or array. So instead of fnames, I would like to get it from:
\def\tnames{white, gray, black}

Best Answer

You can define a PGF array and access it via \pgfmathparse, the array index starts from 0 instead. I've used a,b,c for convenience.

EDIT: Added a general content loop but still it is not that economic on verbosity.

\usepackage{mwe} %<- for dummy images



\foreach \x[count=\xcount from 0] in \fnames {%
\foreach\y in{1,2,3}{


enter image description here