[Tex/LaTex] “Logarithmic scale” for negative values


I have the following MWE:


4 -1e4
4 -1e3
4 -1e2
4 -10
4 -1

            xmin=0, xmax=5
        \addplot table {data.dat};

This produces the following plot:

A normally scaled plot

Now I'd like to have ticks on the y axis at -1e0, -1e1, -1e2, -1e3 and -1e4 with even spacing. If my values are positive, I can achieve this by adding ymode=log to the axis options, but for negative values this just produces an error.

So how can I produce a sort of logarithmic scale for negative values?

Best Answer

This works, but requires copious manual intervention. Note, in this case [ytick=data] would achieve the same effect, but in general you can't count on that.


x y
4 -1e4
4 -1e3
4 -1e2
4 -10
4 -1

% create column "log"
\pgfplotstablecreatecol[create col/expr={-log10(-\thisrow{y})}]{log}\table
            xmin=0, xmax=5
        \addplot table[x=x, y=log] \table;
