[Tex/LaTex] Limit Font Size to 10pt in Caption


The styleguide of our faculty states that notes below figures must be in font-size 10pt.

I've skipped over various posts, but none of them answering the specific 10pt solution – only small or ultra-small is given.

My document looks as follows:

\usepackage[hmargin=2.5cm, vmargin=2cm]{geometry}
\usepackage{amsmath} % for equations over multiple lines
\usepackage[hang,bottom]{footmisc} % Fußzeile bleibt am Boden %
\usepackage{natbib}  % havard style citation
\usepackage{longtable} % table over two pages

\usepackage[flushleft]{threeparttable} %note below table





\setstretch{1.25} % don't modify the low-level parameter \linespread directly



\caption{Title:This should be in normal 12pt text size}
\caption*{Note: This comment should be in  10pt text size}

\caption{This should be in normal 12pt text size}
\multicolumn{1}{c}{XXX}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{XXX}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{XXX (in \%)}\tabularnewline
\text{\quad B}&$  4$&$4.37$\tabularnewline
\text{\quad \quad C}&$   24$&$0.37$\tabularnewline
 \item[]Note: This comment should be in  10pt text size



Best Answer

Since you're using the article document class with a main document font size of 12pt, issuing the directive \footnotesize will produce text at a 10pt size. And, since you're also loading the caption package, you should write

\begin{table} % or: \begin{figure}
\caption{...} \label{...}
\end{table} & or: \end{figure}

to generate captions typeset at, you guessed it, 10pt. Note that since the \captionsetup directive is issued within a table (or figure) environment, the scope of this directive is limited to the table (or figure).

If you wanted to change the caption size globally to 10pt, you should issue the directive


in the preamble.