[Tex/LaTex] It is possible to print the title of a plot below the x axis


i wanted to know if it possible to have the plot's title below the x-axis instead of above.
i attach the plot that i've done:

enter image description here

and the code for the axis that i used for the graph on the left:

 \begin{axis}[xmin=0, xmax=60,axis y line*=left,ymin=9.79,ymax=9.87, xlabel=
{Tempo [ore]}, ylabel={Pressione [bar]},title=\textbf{a)} {$P_{media}$ VS 
$T_{media}$},legend style={draw=none, at={(1,.0)},anchor=south east}]

Thank you

Best Answer

Lets summarize and extend above comments. The first and the last (from John Kormylo and mine) propose solution to place graph title as part of graph, the second propose to omit title as part of graph and determine it in subcaption environment:

Solution 1:

 title style={at={(0.5,0)},anchor=north,yshift=-0.1},
 title = ....,

Solution 2:

 name=mygraph, % or whatewer
 \node[anchor=north] at (mygraph.south) { ... title ...};

Solution 3a:


\caption{ ... title ...}
\caption{ ... title ...}
\caption{figure caption}

Solution 3b: In this last solution you also can use subfig package instead subcaption and its subfloat environment:

    \subfloat[ ... title ... \label{...}]
    \subfloat[ ... title ... \label{...}]
\caption{figure caption}
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