[Tex/LaTex] Put legend (pgfplots) below the plot


I have a pgfplot where the legend is right to the plot. I create the plot as follows:

    scale only axis,
    legend cell align=left,
    legend pos=outer north east,
    legend style={draw=none}

Now I would like to move the legend down below the plot. So I thought I have just to replace legend pos=outer north east by legend pos=outer south west. But LaTex does not like this idea: Choice 'outer south west' unknown in key '/pgfplots/le
gend pos'
. Whats wrong with this?

Best Answer

From section 4.8.5 of the manual, you can use every axis legend:

\pgfplotsset{every axis legend/.append style={
anchor=north east}} 

Code: (partially from manual )

 \pgfplotsset{every axis legend/.append style={
    anchor=north east}}
\addplot coordinates {(0,0) (1,1)};
\addplot coordinates {(0,1) (1,2)};
\addplot coordinates {(0,2) (1,3)};

Instead of the /.append style, it is possible to use legend style as in the following example. It has the same effect.

legend style={
anchor=north east}]
\addplot coordinates {(0,0) (1,1)};
\addplot coordinates {(0,1) (1,2)};
\addplot coordinates {(0,2) (1,3)};

enter image description here

As percusse mentioned in comment, you can fine tune the position by at={(axis description cs:0,-0.1)} as in:

legend style={
anchor=north east,at={(axis description cs:0,-0.1)}}]
\addplot coordinates {(0,0) (1,1)};
\addplot coordinates {(0,1) (1,2)};
\addplot coordinates {(0,2) (1,3)};

enter image description here