[Tex/LaTex] Is bibtex unable to \cite specific entry (author, title) in latex


I am working with bibliography. For this there are two way, one is using bibtex and another is biber. When I print bibliography using biber, then it give me desired result. Means it can print title, author etc at specific places in my document. But bibtex is unable to do this. Using bibtex, my bibliography is generated, but when I use \citeauthor{is4562000} to print authorname, it shows "author?". Can we print authorname, title and year using bibtex. Here is code.


  title={Indian Standard Plain and reinforced concrete--code of
  practice (IS 456 : 2000)},
  shorttitle = {IS 456~:~2000},
  author={Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, CED 2},
  %author={Morrison, Norving,peter},
  journal={New Delhi: },
  publisher={Bureau of Indian Standards},

Main document

%Includes "References" in the table of contents

%Title, date an author of the document
\title{Bibliography management: BibTeX}

%Begining of the document

\section{First Section}
This is bibliography using bibtex \cite{is4562000}\\





enter image description here

Best Answer

You're making two errors: the author is corporate so it must get an additional pair of braces; second, the bib style is not compatible with natbib, use unsrtnat.

Note the author field should be

author={{Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, CED 2}},

Here's a full example, where I used filecontents* just for avoiding clobbering my files.

  title={Indian Standard Plain and reinforced concrete--code of practice (IS 456 : 2000)},
  shorttitle = {IS 456~:~2000},
  author={{Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, CED 2}},
  journal={New Delhi: },
  publisher={Bureau of Indian Standards},

%Includes "References" in the table of contents

%Title, date an author of the document
\title{Bibliography management: BibTeX}

%Begining of the document

\section{First Section}
This is bibliography using bibtex \cite{is4562000}




enter image description here