[Tex/LaTex] Indent for itemize in IEEE papers


I would like itemize with no indent in a IEEE two columns paper. I already used:
the solution proposed here: itemize, removing natural indent

That is by adding \usepackage{enumitem} and

  \item one 
  \item two
  \item three

But it seems that with IEEE format I can not add :


at the begining of the paper, since when I compile it says:

enumitem.sty: 45: LaTex Error: Command Label indent already defined, or name ind… illegal, see p. 192 of the manual.

What can I do if I would like to remove natural indent before items, in this case? I add that I would like the whole text that comes in the item has no indent not just the item's first line.

Best Answer

IEEEtran completely redefines the default list environments. However, you can pass options via a newly-defined optional argument:

enter image description here

\usepackage{showframe,lipsum}% Just for this example

    \setlength{\IEEElabelindent}{\dimexpr-\labelwidth-\labelsep}% Wrapping of text beyond first line of \item
    \setlength{\itemindent}{\dimexpr\labelwidth+\labelsep}% identation for each new \item
    \setlength{\listparindent}{\parindent}% Restore regular paragraph indentation
  \item one 
  \item \lipsum[2-3]
  \item three

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