[Tex/LaTex] Itemize within itemize and reducing indent in beamer


I'm having this problem with itemize.

I am preparing a presenation in beamer which requires an itemize within an itemize.

Because of space constraints, I wanted to reduce the identation in the inner itemize through the command \setlength{\itemindent}{-.2in}.

However, if I have an item that I create for the inner itemize that requires 2 lines, the second line does not follow the indentation I set for the items in the inner itemize.

For example:

  • Point A
    • Point B is too long, would need a new line
      for it

The example above is what I want, but, what I get is that the 2nd line "for it" is shifted to the right, i.e. it's not aligned with Point B from the line above.

Is there a way to fix this? Thanks!


Here is the code I have with the screenshot for the output:


        \item Point A1: 

                 \item Point B is so long that it needs two lines 

        \item Point A2:

        \item Point A3:         


enter image description here

As you can see above, the "needs two lines" is not aligned with Point B.

Best Answer

Don't change the \itemindent but the \leftmargini (for the first level list) or \leftmarginii (second level list).




%        \setlength{\itemindent}{-.2in}
        \item Point A1: 

%            \setlength{\itemindent}{-.2in}
                 \item Point B is so long that it needs two lines longer longer longer longer longer 

        \item Point A2:

        \item Point A3:         


