[Tex/LaTex] Indent in itemize/enumerate with different width for body and for item

enumitemhorizontal alignmentindentationitemizeoptional arguments

I'm having some troubles with the customisation of the indent of itemize environment. My MWE is:




    \item [My custom item long long long long]: \lipsum[1]
    \item [My custom item short]: \lipsum[2]


The output:

enter image description here

Now, i would like to have the two custom labels at the same width, and not one more indented of another. Plus I would like to decide where the text of the item stars (in this case, due to the [leftmargin=3cm] option is too much indented, otherwise the two labels wouldn't have been inside the page).

How can I deal with margins, alignment and indentation od itemize/enumerate?
Thanks for help!

P.S.: The next image will eventually clarify what I would like to have

enter image description here

Best Answer

Maybe like this, with a custom description environment?



\begin{description}[leftmargin=1cm, labelindent=-3cm, labelsep=0pt, font=\normalfont]
    \item[ My custom item long long long long]: \lipsum[1]
    \item [My custom item short]: \lipsum[2]


enter image description here