[Tex/LaTex] \includegraphics with transparent



I wanted to create a PDF with resource images (square).
With this resource image (See below), it contains transparent space. I use \includegraphics to include an image.

But when I compile, it contains an edge line (below the dolphin) between transparent and actual images appeared on the output. (See image)


How can I remove this edge or import in without it.

Tex (MikTex / xetex)


    \node [circle, draw= black,line width=0.1mm, minimum size=69mm] at (0mm,0mm) () {};
    minimum size=60mm,
    path picture={
        \node at (path picture bounding box.center){
    }]  at (0mm,0mm) {};


Resources file


The output PDF

Output PDF

Best Answer


This is possible by calling ImageMagick within TeX (simplified MWE):

\immediate\write18{convert whale.png -transparent white tmp.png}
    \node[circle,draw=black,line width=0.1mm,minimum size=70mm] at (0mm,0mm){};


I compiled the document (tmp.tex) using:

pdflatex --shell-escape tmp.tex


  1. the flag --shell-escape allows pdflatex to call a system command (see 2.)
  2. \write18 executes its argument as a system command; \immediate makes sure this happens before \includegraphics requests the result (more info here)
  3. convert invokes ImageMagick and replaces all white in whale.png with -transparent, writing the output to tmp.png


enter image description here

Linux vs Windows (MikTeX) issues

  • on Windows: \write18 must specify the full path to ImageMagick, which typically looks like: "C:/Program Files/ImageMagick-7.0.8-Q16/magick.exe" instead of convert
  • using MikTex: the flag to allow \write18 is --enable-write18 instead of --shell-escape
  • using MikTex: \write18 is blocked from running programs like magick.exe. There are supposedly options to bypass this security feature (see here) but none of them worked for me...

... as a result, I'm unable to reproduce the solution on Windows.