TikZ – Using If-Then-Else Inside TikZ Graph


I want to draw a graph like in the second picture of the following code:

\usepackage{calc}% http://ctan.org/pkg/calc


% This one works

\foreach \x in {1,...,5}
{ \node[circle,draw] (\x 1) at (0,\x) {\x};
    \node[circle,draw] (\x 2)at (2,\x) {\x};
    \ifthenelse{\NOT 4 = \x \AND \NOT 7 = \x}{\draw (\x 1) -- (\x 2);}{} % (*)


% This one does not work with line (*)
\tikzstyle{vertex}=[circle,fill=blue!15,draw,minimum size=17pt,inner sep=0pt]

%See TikZ documentation! (Section 19, graphs)
\graph[circular placement, radius=4cm, group polar shift=(360/5:0),
         nodes={circle,draw,vertex}] {
    \foreach \x [evaluate=\x as \sx using int(\x+1)] in {0,...,4} {
      \foreach \y in {\x,...,4} {
        \x -- \y;
        %\ifthenelse{\NOT 4 = \x \AND \NOT 7 = \x}{\draw (\x 1) -- (\x 2);}{} % (*)


It uses the TikZ graph library. As you might guess, I want to label the edges dependent on what \x and \y are in the for loop. So I need an If-Then-Else statement and came to this answer: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/45907/52709.
I copied the code, it is the first picture and it works.
But applying the same \ifthenelse-line to my code (commented out), produces an error at that line:

! Undefined control sequence.<argument> \NOT 4 = \x \AND \NOT 7 = \x }

and also

! Illegal parameter number in definition of \tikz@lib@graph@name.

at the end of the graph defintion (};).

Isn’t it possible to use something like \ifthenelse inside such a graph definition?
How can I achieve what I need?

Best Answer

\ifthenelse is "normal" LaTeX code. Therefore you can not use this command inside a TikZ path specification. But since the node text is put in a normal TeX box you can use \ifthenelse inside the node text. So you can try



  vertex/.style={circle,fill=blue!15,draw,minimum size=17pt,inner sep=0pt}
%See TikZ documentation! (Section 19, graphs)
\graph[circular placement, radius=4cm, group polar shift=(360/5:0),
         nodes={circle,draw,vertex}] {
    \foreach \x in {0,...,4} {
      \foreach \y in {\x,...,4} {
        \x --["\ifthenelse{\x=3 \OR \y=3 \OR \x=\y}{}{\x\y}",sloped] \y;

enter image description here

Or you can position the nodes inside the \graph and connect them outside. Then you can use \ifthenelse outside of a path specification. Note that the complete \draw paths are in the arguments of \ifthenelse.



  vertex/.style={circle,fill=blue!15,draw,minimum size=17pt,inner sep=0pt}
%See TikZ documentation! (Section 19, graphs)
\graph[circular placement, radius=4cm, group polar shift=(360/5:0),
         nodes={circle,draw,vertex}] {\foreach \x in {0,...,4} \x;
\foreach \x in {0,...,4} {
  \foreach \y in {\x,...,4} {
    \ifthenelse{\x=3 \OR \y=3 \OR \x=\y}{\draw(\x)--(\y);}{\draw(\x)--node[auto,sloped]{\x\y}(\y);}

The result is the same as above.

In the pgfmanual you can also find \pgfextra as a possibilty to suspend temporarly the path construction and do some other things like \ifthenelse. Here is a simple example where the filling color depends on the counter:

        vertex/.style={circle,draw,minimum size=17pt,inner sep=0pt}
  \foreach \i in {0,...,4}{

This results in

enter image description here

But AFAIK this does not work inside a \graph command.


Solutions without package \ifthen based on a suggestion of @marmot in a comment:


  vertex/.style={circle,fill=blue!15,draw,minimum size=17pt,inner sep=0pt}
%See TikZ documentation! (Section 19, graphs)
\graph[circular placement, radius=4cm, group polar shift=(360/5:0),
         nodes={circle,draw,vertex}] {
    \foreach \x in {0,...,4} {
      \foreach \y 
        [evaluate=\y as \z using {int(ifthenelse(\x==3 || \y==3 || \x==\y,1,0))}]
        in {\x,...,4} {
        \x --["\ifnum \z=0 {\x\y}\fi",sloped] \y;



  vertex/.style={circle,fill=blue!15,draw,minimum size=17pt,inner sep=0pt}
%See TikZ documentation! (Section 19, graphs)
\graph[circular placement, radius=4cm, group polar shift=(360/5:0),
         nodes={circle,draw,vertex}] {\foreach \x in {0,...,4} \x;
\foreach \x in {0,...,4} {
  \foreach \y 
    [evaluate=\y as \z using {int(ifthenelse(\x==3 || \y==3 || \x==\y,1,0))}]
    in {\x,...,4} {
      \ifnum \z=1

The result is the same as in the first picture.