[Tex/LaTex] IEEEtran and TikZ subfigures over two columns


I have multiple images produced by TikZ and I want to span them on 2 columns.
The IEEEtran documentation says that I should use the figure environment to get figures spanning 2 columns. I tried it with graphics (pdf files) and it works perfectly. When I try to do the same thing with TikZ graphics, everything gets messed up.

Here's a screenshot:
enter image description here

Here's the MWE:



\usetikzlibrary{arrows,shapes, calc, fit, positioning}


\usepackage[cmex10]{amsmath} %[cmex10]


\title{My Title}
\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Authors list}
              \IEEEauthorblockA{My Institution}}

        \begin{tikzpicture}[transform shape]
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P1) at (1,2) {$P_1$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P2) at (2,1) {$P_2$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P3) at (1,0) {$P_3$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P4) at (0,1) {$P_4$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P5) at (1,1) {$P_5$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P6) at (3,1) {$P_6$};

        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P1);
        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P2);
        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P3);
        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P4);
        \draw[-] (P2) -- (P6);

        %dashed rectangles
        \node (B1) [draw=red, dashed, thick, fit= (P1) (P2) (P3) (P4) (P5), rounded corners] {};
        \node [yshift=-1.5ex, red] at (B1.south) {};
        \node (B2)  [draw=blue, dashed, thick, fit= (P2) (P5) (P6), rounded corners] {};
        \node [yshift=-1.5ex, blue] at (B2.south east) {}; %yshift=-3.0ex, 

        \caption{Example 1}

        \begin{tikzpicture}[transform shape]
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P1) at (1,2) {$P_1$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P2) at (2,1) {$P_2$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P3) at (1,0) {$P_3$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P4) at (0,1) {$P_4$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P5) at (1,1) {$P_5$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P6) at (3,1) {$P_6$};

        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P1);
        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P2);
        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P3);
        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P4);
        \draw[-] (P2) -- (P6);

        %dashed rectangles
        \node (B1) [draw=red, dashed, thick, fit= (P1) (P2) (P3) (P4) (P5), rounded corners] {};
        \node [yshift=-1.5ex, red] at (B1.south) {};
        \node (B2)  [draw=blue, dashed, thick, fit= (P2) (P5) (P6), rounded corners] {};
        \node [yshift=-1.5ex, blue] at (B2.south east) {}; %yshift=-3.0ex, 

        \caption{Example 2}

        \begin{tikzpicture}[transform shape]
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P1) at (1,2) {$P_1$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P2) at (2,1) {$P_2$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P3) at (1,0) {$P_3$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P4) at (0,1) {$P_4$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P5) at (1,1) {$P_5$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P6) at (3,1) {$P_6$};

        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P1);
        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P2);
        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P3);
        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P4);
        \draw[-] (P2) -- (P6);

        %dashed rectangles
        \node (B1) [draw=red, dashed, thick, fit= (P1) (P2) (P3) (P4) (P5), rounded corners] {};
        \node [yshift=-1.5ex, red] at (B1.south) {};
        \node (B2)  [draw=blue, dashed, thick, fit= (P2) (P5) (P6), rounded corners] {};
        \node [yshift=-1.5ex, blue] at (B2.south east) {}; %yshift=-3.0ex, 

        \caption{Example 3}


Best Answer

Don't leave blank lines between the subfigure environments; a blank line is \par so the next subfigure will start a new paragraph; between the subfigure environments you can issue \hfill, for example, since the total width of the environments is .9\textwidth:



\usetikzlibrary{arrows,shapes, calc, fit, positioning}


\usepackage[cmex10]{amsmath} %[cmex10]


\title{My Title}
\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Authors list}
              \IEEEauthorblockA{My Institution}}

        \begin{tikzpicture}[transform shape]
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P1) at (1,2) {$P_1$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P2) at (2,1) {$P_2$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P3) at (1,0) {$P_3$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P4) at (0,1) {$P_4$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P5) at (1,1) {$P_5$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P6) at (3,1) {$P_6$};

        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P1);
        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P2);
        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P3);
        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P4);
        \draw[-] (P2) -- (P6);

        %dashed rectangles
        \node (B1) [draw=red, dashed, thick, fit= (P1) (P2) (P3) (P4) (P5), rounded corners] {};
        \node [yshift=-1.5ex, red] at (B1.south) {};
        \node (B2)  [draw=blue, dashed, thick, fit= (P2) (P5) (P6), rounded corners] {};
        \node [yshift=-1.5ex, blue] at (B2.south east) {}; %yshift=-3.0ex, 

        \caption{Example 1}
        \begin{tikzpicture}[transform shape]
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P1) at (1,2) {$P_1$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P2) at (2,1) {$P_2$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P3) at (1,0) {$P_3$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P4) at (0,1) {$P_4$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P5) at (1,1) {$P_5$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P6) at (3,1) {$P_6$};

        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P1);
        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P2);
        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P3);
        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P4);
        \draw[-] (P2) -- (P6);

        %dashed rectangles
        \node (B1) [draw=red, dashed, thick, fit= (P1) (P2) (P3) (P4) (P5), rounded corners] {};
        \node [yshift=-1.5ex, red] at (B1.south) {};
        \node (B2)  [draw=blue, dashed, thick, fit= (P2) (P5) (P6), rounded corners] {};
        \node [yshift=-1.5ex, blue] at (B2.south east) {}; %yshift=-3.0ex, 

        \caption{Example 2}
        \begin{tikzpicture}[transform shape]
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P1) at (1,2) {$P_1$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P2) at (2,1) {$P_2$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P3) at (1,0) {$P_3$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P4) at (0,1) {$P_4$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P5) at (1,1) {$P_5$};
        \node[circle, fill=gray!30] (P6) at (3,1) {$P_6$};

        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P1);
        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P2);
        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P3);
        \draw[-] (P5) -- (P4);
        \draw[-] (P2) -- (P6);

        %dashed rectangles
        \node (B1) [draw=red, dashed, thick, fit= (P1) (P2) (P3) (P4) (P5), rounded corners] {};
        \node [yshift=-1.5ex, red] at (B1.south) {};
        \node (B2)  [draw=blue, dashed, thick, fit= (P2) (P5) (P6), rounded corners] {};
        \node [yshift=-1.5ex, blue] at (B2.south east) {}; %yshift=-3.0ex, 

        \caption{Example 3}


enter image description here

Also, perhaps a type, but you are using \label{fig:ex3} for subfigures two and three; make sure to change one of them (as I did in my example) to avoid duplicated labels and undesired side-effects.