[Tex/LaTex] hyperlink name with biblatex authoryear (biblatex 1.4b)


I'm new here so I'm not sure if this is the right way to express my question:

I'm using the excellent biblatex package with the author-year style and want the links in my citations to include the name of the author as well as the parentheses.
The answer presented at hyperlink name with biblatex authoryear did exactly what I wanted but it seems the solution is broken with the newest biblatex version 1.4b. Can anyone help me by adapting the code to the newest biblatex version?

Best Answer

The code below hyperlinks the entire citation label for most citation commands. For \textcite the hyperlink includes the brackets around labelyear+extrayear, unless there are pre- or postnotes. In this case the link is applied only to labelyear+extrayear.


% Just for demo

  \DeclareFieldAlias{bibhyperref}{noformat}% Avoid nested links

  \DeclareFieldAlias{bibhyperref}{noformat}% Avoid nested links



    ( not test {\iffieldundef{prenote}} and
      test {\ifnumequal{\value{citecount}}{1}} )
    ( not test {\iffieldundef{postnote}} and
      test {\ifnumequal{\value{citecount}}{\value{citetotal}}} )

\textbf{Single citations}

Filler text \parencite{aristotle:poetics}. Filler text \parencite{kant:ku} \\
Filler text \parencite[See][23]{aristotle:poetics}.
Filler text \parencite[1--10]{kant:ku}. \\
\textcite{aristotle:poetics} and \textcite{kant:ku}.
\textcite[e.g.][]{aristotle:poetics} and \textcite[10]{kant:ku}. \\
Filler text.\footcite[23]{aristotle:poetics} Filler text.\footcite[1--10]{aristotle:rhetoric}
Filler text.\footnote{\smartcite[10--15]{companion}}

\textbf{Unqualified citation lists}

\textcite{aristotle:poetics,aristotle:rhetoric} \\
\textcite[e.g.][]{aristotle:poetics,aristotle:rhetoric} \\
\textcite[10--15]{aristotle:poetics,aristotle:rhetoric} \\
\textcite[e.g.][10--15]{aristotle:poetics,aristotle:rhetoric} \\
\parencite[See][for example]{aristotle:poetics,aristotle:rhetoric}

\textbf{Qualified citation lists}

\textcites{aristotle:poetics}{aristotle:rhetoric} \\
\textcites(See)(){aristotle:poetics}[cf.][]{aristotle:rhetoric} \\
\textcites(See)()[10]{aristotle:poetics}[10]{aristotle:rhetoric} \\
\textcites(See)()[10--15]{aristotle:poetics}[cf.][10]{aristotle:rhetoric} \\
\textcites(See)()[e.g.][10--15]{aristotle:poetics}[cf.][10]{aristotle:rhetoric} \\

\textbf{Mix of qualified and unqualified citation lists}

\textcites(See)()[e.g.][]{aristotle:poetics}[10]{bertram,companion} \\
\textcites[e.g.][]{aristotle:poetics,aristotle:rhetoric}[10]{companion} \\
\textcites[10]{aristotle:poetics,aristotle:rhetoric}[cf.][]{bertram} \\


Here is the output you should obtain with biblatex 2.6 or earlier. The solution also works for later releases, where \textcite and friends use the and string as a final citation delimiter.

enter image description here