[Tex/LaTex] Biblatex, authoryear-comp, and hyperlinks


In answer to this question, Audrey offered an answer that works great with the authoryear option.

(Context: I'm trying to get the hyperlink in citations to include the name of the author, and not just the year. Audrey provided a solution that works with authoryear, and I'm trying to adapt it to work with authoryear-comp.)

I'm trying to adapt the answer to make it work with authoryear-comp. Here is what I tried (it doesn't work—I get an error message: Latex Error: ./biblatex.tex:96 Argument of \@secondoftwo has an extra }. Runaway argument?):

\printtext[bibhyperref]{% Enclose cite macro output in hyperlink
    \global\togglefalse{cbx:hyperref}% Prevent nested hyperlinks

I don't fully understand how \cite works under authoryear-comp, so maybe someone who does can see a way to do this? (I'm assuming it's possible, since this is how hyperlinks are implemented in BibTeX.)

EDIT (in re: to Marco's comment): Here's a minimal example:



\DeclareFieldFormat{bibhyperref}{% Adapted from bibhyperref format in biblatex.def

\printtext[bibhyperref]{% Enclose cite macro output in hyperlink
    \global\togglefalse{cbx:hyperref}% Prevent nested hyperlinks

\DeclareCiteCommand{\textcite}% Adapted from \textcite command in authoryear.cbx
  \printtext[bibhyperref]{% Enclose textcite macro output in hyperlink
    \global\togglefalse{cbx:hyperref}% Prevent nested hyperlinks
    \iffieldundef{postnote}% Include closing parenthesis if no postnote

A reference to \parencite{kastenholz,sigfridsson} and~\cite{sigfridsson}. 

I'm using references from the biblatex-example database. The error I get is this: Paragraph ended before \@secondoftwo was complete.

Best Answer

I would prefer another solution:

%Works without the last bracket ;-)

You can use it for every cite-command.


%Works without the last bracket ;-)

A reference to \parencite{kastenholz,sigfridsson} and~\cite{sigfridsson}. 


I change the code of the example above.


The problem: The last bracket isn't part of the link.

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