[Tex/LaTex] Biblatex author name missing (dashed=false and style=authoryear)


I'm encountering some odd behaviour in biblatex. The author name for multiple-entry citations in the bibliography is being supressed, but the style is defined (=authoryear, as per answer: define bib style) and I have the dashed option turned off (=false, as per answer: make dashed=false).

Here is my MWE:

\usepackage[ pdftex,
        pdfauthor={Michael J Lotinga},
        pdftitle={The Title},
        pdfsubject={The Subject},
        pdfkeywords={Some Keywords},
        pdfproducer={LaTeX with hyperref},
        plainpages = false, 
        pdfpagelayout = OneColumn, % display single page, advancing flips the page - Sasa Tomic
        bookmarksopen = true,
        bookmarksnumbered = true,
        breaklinks = true,
        colorlinks = true,
        linkcolor = cyan,
        urlcolor  = blue,
        citecolor = magenta,
        anchorcolor = green,
        hyperindex = true,
            uniquename = false,

%Redefine citation commands for linking




  \printtext[bibhyperref]{ \usebibmacro{cite}}}



  bibliography = {References},% replace "references" with "bibliography"  for `book`/`report`





Here is my associated .bib file

author = {Thornely-Taylor, R.M.},
title = {The prediction of vibration, groundborne and structure-radiated noise from railways using finite difference
year = {2004},
maintitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Railway Noise},
eventtitle = {IWRN8},
eventdate = {2004-09-08/2004-09-11},
location = {Buxton, UK},
url = {http://www.ruperttaylor.com/RMTT_IWRN8_6.pdf},

author = {Thornely-Taylor, R.M.},
title = {The prediction of vibration, groundborne and structure-radiated noise from railways using finite difference
methods  --  Part 1  --  theory},
maintitle = {Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics},
year = {2004},
volume = {26},
part = {2},
pages = {69--79},
url = {http://www.ruperttaylor.com/RTT_IOA_SC2004.pdf},

And here is the bibliography output I am getting:

Example bibliography output

I'm hoping for an output that lists the author for every single reference, irrespective of whether it is the same as the preceding (or in this case, succeeding) entry! Can anyone make a suggestion as to what might be getting screwed up? I have other references that are behaving similarly, with less similar article titles.

Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

As I was suggesting in my comment, the compilation issue relies on the .bib file. Also, as @moewe identified, the use of the @proceedings category does not contain an author field. Therefore, it should be replaced either by @inproceedings or put the author in the editor field.

New compilation with the appropriate .bib file syntax:

    author = {Thornely-Taylor, R.M.},
    title = {The prediction of vibration, groundborne and structure-radiated noise from railways using finite difference methods},
    year = {2004},
    maintitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Railway Noise},
    eventtitle = {IWRN8},
    eventdate = {2004-09-08/2004-09-11},
    location = {Buxton, UK},
    url = {http://www.ruperttaylor.com/RMTT_IWRN8_6.pdf},

    author = {Thornely-Taylor, R.M.},
    title = {The prediction of vibration, groundborne and structure-radiated noise from railways using finite difference methods  --  Part 1  --  theory},
    maintitle = {Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics},
    year = {2004},
    volume = {26},
    part = {2},
    pages = {69--79},
    url = {http://www.ruperttaylor.com/RTT_IOA_SC2004.pdf},


The main document simply being:


The output obtained:

References output