[Tex/LaTex] How to use hyph-utf8 correctly


I'm using MiKTeX and pdfLaTeX and the package manager tells me that hyph-utf8 is installed and auto-download of packages is activated, too.

But when I do \usepackage{hyph-utf8}, because I hope that it will correct some currently wrong german hyphenations in my documents, I only get a warning about a missing hyph-utf8.sty file.

Did I understand the purpose of hyph-utf8 correct ("provide more hyphenation patterns for words in many languages") and do I try to use it correctly (\usepackage{hyph-utf8})?

Best Answer

hyph-utf8 is simply a collection of pattern files, not a package you load. If you want the experimental german patterns you need the dehyph-exptl package. Its documentation shows you how to use it. You will perhaps have to activate the patterns in miktex-settings in the language tab. Then this document


\showhyphens{löste Fassade modernste Abendstern Mordopfer}

should give in the log-file

[] \T1/cmr/m/n/10 lös-te Fas-sa-de mo-derns-te Abend-stern Mord-op-fer