[Tex/LaTex] TeXStudio and MiKTeX Portable – Could not start command


I have a problem with my TeXStudio. I am using a portable version (2.9.4) together with the latest MiKTeX.

Everything used to work just fine and now that I have to finish my work from home instead of my pc at work suddenly nothing works anymore (it's still on the same thumb drive).

The configuration in TeXStudio is the following:
TeXStudio commands

There are two errors occuring when i want to compile a document (I am using pdflatex):

  • It says that the command
    "../MikTexPortable/miktex/bin/pdflatex.exe" -synctex=1 -src -interaction=nonstopmode -enable-write18 "Projektdokumentation".tex
    could not be started.

  • It also can't find the .sty file for the booktabs-de package.

When I compile something simple like



with the MiKTeX command line everything works just fine.

I have already tried reinstalling the package using the package manager. The on-the-fly package installation is activated but does somehow not start when it is needed. I have already updated the FNDB or how it is called.

I am completely new to LaTeX and English is not my native language, but I hope that I could explain my problem and that there is someone out there who can help me.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Since version 2.8.6, TeXstudio supports [txs-app-dir] and [txs-settings-dir] as part of the path definition of commands. In your case, something like this should do the trick:


Fur further details, see the manual.