BibLaTeX – How to Successfully Put a Bibliography in a Report on TexShop


I'm trying to put a bibliography in my LaTeX document, but I get various errors when I run it in BibTeX (saying no \citation found etc.), and no bibliography is printed in the PDF when I typeset it in LaTeX. My code reads as follows:


And my .bib file reads as

title={The Schrödinger Equation},
author={F. A. Berezin, M. A. Shubin},
publisher={Moscow State University, Moscow},
title={An Introduction to Measure Theory},
author={Terence Tao},
publisher={American Mathematical Society},

Best Answer

I think you are missing the inputenc package in your preamble. It's needed to tell your (La)TeX which character encoding you use, eg. for the ö in your bibliography:


\usepackage[backend = biber]{biblatex}

You need to configure your TeXShop to compile the document properly, for me:

  1. Configuring TeXShop to run biber:…
  2. and selecting "pdflatexmk" from the dropdown menu (to the left of the typset button)


Surprisingly, adding % !TEX TSprogram = pdflatexmk as first line in the .tex file (as suggested in the comments) did not work (TeXShop 3.62, texlive 2016).