[Tex/LaTex] How to shade shapes in tikzpicture


I managed to draw the rectangle and a triangle inside with the below code.


\draw(0,0) rectangle (4,-3);
\draw(0,0) -- ++(4,-1.5) -- ++(-2,-1.5) -- ++(-2,3);
\draw[dotted](0,0) to[bend left] node[fill=white] {$2b$} (4,0);
\draw[dotted](0,0) to[bend right] node[fill=white] {$a$} (0,-3);



Now I want to shade the triangle.
How would you go about doing this?

Thank you

Best Answer

Simple add fill=gray (or what ever color) into drawing a triangle, something like:


\draw   (0,0) rectangle (4,-3);
\draw[fill=gray!30]    (0,0) -- ++(4,-1.5) -- ++(-2,-1.5) -- ++(-2,3);
\draw[dotted](0,0) to[bend left] node[fill=white] {$2b$} (4,0);
\draw[dotted](0,0) to[bend right] node[fill=white] {$a$} (0,-3);

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