[Tex/LaTex] How to make the numbering of items non-italic in a theorem environment


Is there a way to make the numbering of items non italic. To to be specific in the following example I would like that (v) becomes non italic (italic blablabla is fine).




  \item[(v)] blablabla

  \item[(v)] blablabla


Best Answer

You can use the start key of enumitem or, better, the series key which makes all enumerate environments in a series to have the same layout and share the same counter. Here I use a thmenum series. Note you may have as many series as you please.

\AtBeginEnvironment{thm}{\setlist[enumerate, 1]{font=\upshape, nosep,  wide=0.5em, before=\leavevmode}}


  \item Blablabla
  \item Bliblibli

  \item Blablabla
  \item Bliblibli
  \item Blobloblo


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