[Tex/LaTex] How to limit the vertical spacing in itemize (enumerate) command


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When I use the enumerate command to to itemize it creates a 2/3line vertical space between two following items.
How to reduce this spacing between items???

Sample Code :
\item M.M. Rahman, \textbf{M. Shuvo}, R. H. Kabir, Khan Md. Rabbi, \enquote{Heat transfer augmentation in a diamond shaped enclosure utilizing CNT-water Nanofluid}. [In Progress]\
\item \textbf{M. Shuvo}, R. H. Kabir, T. H. Pial, O. Bhowmik, Amin A. A., \enquote{Mode-I failure investigation of Eccentric circular and elliptical crack under uni-axial and bi-axial loading condition}.[In Progress]\vfill

Best Answer

The macro controlling the gap between items is \itemsep, which can be controlled with the enumitem package conveniently. Also, \parsep controls vertical space between paragraphs within an item and can also be specified in this manner.

If the leading space is also an issue, topsep is the identifier.

See Appendix C.5.3 of Leslie Lamport's LaTeX User Guide and Reference Manual for details on what variables go into a list.

Gustavo rightly suggests using the logical declarations, noitemsep and nosep in lieu of actually specifying the values for \itemsep, \parsep, and \topsep. I have added those into my MWE, while retaining the commented equivalent.

\noindent Inter text
  \item blah
  \item blah blah
 \item blah blah blah
  \item blah blah blah blah
Inter text
  \item blah
  \item blah blah
 \item blah blah blah
  \item blah blah blah blah
Inter text
%\begin{enumerate}[itemsep=0pt,parsep=0pt]% IS THE SAME AS
  \item blah
  \item blah blah
 \item blah blah blah
  \item blah blah blah blah
Inter text
%\begin{enumerate}[itemsep=0pt,parsep=0pt,topsep=0pt]% IS THE SAME AS
  \item blah
  \item blah blah
 \item blah blah blah
  \item blah blah blah blah
Inter text

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