[Tex/LaTex] How to make italic greek letter \lambda


I need italic and non-italic \lambda in the same document. Since the \mathit{\lambda} does not work, I got idea to simulate italic by changing fonts (Times New Roman for italic lambda, and Latin Modern for non-italic).

I made the following example based on answers from here and here

\usepackage{lmodern}     % set math font to Latin modern math 
\renewcommand\rmdefault{ptm} %change text font to Times New Roman



% Define lambda with Times New Roman font


\textrm{Lambda in Latin modern:} \lambda \\
\textrm{Lambda in Times New Roman:}\lambdaTimes

This example does not work, it produce - instead of lambda in Times font. What is wrong in this example?

Is there a easier way to make italic and non-italic lambda in the same document?

P.S. I am using Times New Roman in text mode, and Latin modern in math mode in document.

Best Answer

Latin Modern math doesn't blend with Times New Roman. You're better using NewTX:



The text is in Times; $\lambda\lambdaup$.


enter image description here

If you insist in using Latin Modern math symbols, here's how you can do:

\usepackage{lmodern}     % set math font to Latin modern math
\renewcommand\rmdefault{ptm} %change text font to Times New Roman



\textrm{Lambda in Latin modern:} \lambda \\
\textrm{Lambda in Times New Roman:}\uplambda

enter image description here