[Tex/LaTex] How to make spaces as command argument delimiters


How to make spaces as command argument delimiters?

\newcommand\foo[2]{#1 and #2.}
\foo hi you

The expected output is

hi and you.

Of course I don't want to enclose the arguments with curly braces.

The following is not what I am looking for.

\def\foo #1 #2 {#1 and #2.}
\foo hi you

Best Answer

You can't do this with \newcommand. But it's possible with \def:

\def\foo #1 #2 {#1 and #2. }

Now \foo x y Something will give the expected result. However this will break in cases such as

\foo me you

Something after a blank line

because there's no space after you (the end-of-line counts as a space only if not followed by another end-of-line, when they are transformed into \par).

You can look in the TeXbook or in TeX by Topic for "delimited arguments".