Pass optional empty arguments in a newcommand down to another command with optional empty arguments in LaTeX

macrosoptional arguments

I would like to define a newcommand with two optional arguments, which in turn, calls on another command with two optional arguments.

Something like the following (\B calls \A). How do I do it?

\newcommand{A}[3][][]{{#1 + #2 + #3}}
\newcommand{B}[3][][]{#1 + \A[#2][#3]{#1}}



I tried to give a similar MWE, but I am afraid that the above example actually may not properly convey exactly what I need.

The reason I had this question is to create a command that takes in a certain bib-item and highlights it. I would like to pass two optional arguments to \parencite[pre][post]{#1} (where pre and post could be empty) via a newcommand \hlcite[pre][post]{#1}. The command \hlcite would then highlight the references.

\usepackage{graphicx, color}
    backend=biber,          % backend: biber
    style=authoryear,       % style: numeric-comp, authoryear
    sorting=ynt,            % sorting: none, ynt
\newcommand{\hlc}[2][yellow]{\sethlcolor{#1} \hl{#2}}
%% This works
%% But this throws error


Adding optional arguments

Non-stackoverflow/stackexchange links:

Using if conditional in latex:

References to use \mbox with \cite or \parencite inside \newcommand for highlighting.

Highlighting text in Latex:

Best Answer

You can use \NewDocumentCommand.


    \IfNoValueTF{#1}{% no optional argument
      \IfNoValueTF{#2}{% just one optional argument
      }{% both optional arguments
  }% end of \hlc

Note that you don't want a space between \sethlcolor{#1} ad \hl{#2}.

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