[Tex/LaTex] How to remove leading and trailing spaces from a macro argument


Consider this minimal working example:



\tikzset{graph/.style = {every node/.style = { draw,
                                               shape = circle,
                                               fill = black,
                                               minimum size = 0.8mm,
                                               inner sep = 0mm,
                                               label distance = 0.8mm

\newcommand{\circumferencenode}[4][]{\node (#1#2) at (#4: #3) [label = #4: $#2$] {};}

\newlength{\gr} % graph radius

        \circumferencenode{0}{\gr}{ 90}
        \circumferencenode{1}{\gr}{ 30}
        \draw (0) -- (1) -- (2) -- (3) -- (4) -- (5) -- (0);


        \circumferencenode{02}{\gr}{ 90}
        \circumferencenode{ 3}{\gr}{  0}
        \circumferencenode{ 4}{\gr}{270}
        \draw (02) -- (3) -- (4) -- (15) -- (02);

This is what the output looks like:

As you can see, the second example is weird-looking. Something has gone wrong with the placement of nodes. I could ask why this is happening, but some experimentation shows that if the second picture is changed to the following:

    \draw (02) -- (3) -- (4) -- (15) -- (02);

or even to this:

    \circumferencenode{02}{\gr} {90}
    \circumferencenode {3}{\gr}  {0}
    \circumferencenode {4}{\gr}{270}
    \draw (02) -- (3) -- (4) -- (15) -- (02);

then the problem disappears, and the second graph appears the way one would expect.

So the problem is apparently the leading spaces in the arguments to the macro. I could get rid of them and do just fine. However, it is pleasing to me to arrange the calls to the \circumferencenode macro the way I did originally, so that the numbers and the sets of braces are vertically aligned. So a better solution would be to find out how to strip leading and trailing spaces from macro arguments.

  • Why does the original example not work properly?
  • How can I strip leading and trailing spaces from the arguments to macros I define?

Best Answer

Trimming spaces can be difficult with kernel macros; here LaTeX3 can come to the rescue:



\tikzset{graph/.style = {every node/.style = { draw,
                                               shape = circle,
                                               fill = black,
                                               minimum size = 0.8mm,
                                               inner sep = 0mm,
                                               label distance = 0.8mm

%%% We need a "classical" definition, because of the colons in the replacement text
\newcommand{\circumferencenodeinner}[4]{\node (#1#2) at (#4: #3) [label = #4: $#2$] {};}
%%% Now we go with LaTeX3
\NewDocumentCommand{\circumferencenode}{ O{} m m m }
   { #1 }
   { \tl_trim_spaces:n { #2 } }
   { #3 }
   { \tl_trim_spaces:n { #4 } }
\cs_set_eq:NN \hammerite_circumference_node:nnnn \circumferencenodeinner
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \hammerite_circumference_node:nnnn { nxnx }

\newlength{\gr} % graph radius


%%% Just to give an example we use the old definition
\newcommand{\circumferencenodeold}[4][]{\node (#1#2) at (#4: #3) [label = #4: $#2$] {};}


        \circumferencenodeold{0}{\gr}{ 90}
        \circumferencenodeold{1}{\gr}{ 30}
        \draw (0) -- (1) -- (2) -- (3) -- (4) -- (5) -- (0);


        \circumferencenodeold{02}{\gr}{ 90}
        \circumferencenodeold{ 3}{\gr}{  0}
        \circumferencenodeold{ 4}{\gr}{270}
        \draw (02) -- (3) -- (4) -- (15) -- (02);

        \circumferencenode{0}{\gr}{ 90}
        \circumferencenode{1}{\gr}{ 30}
        \draw (0) -- (1) -- (2) -- (3) -- (4) -- (5) -- (0);


        \circumferencenode{02}{\gr}{ 90}
        \circumferencenode{ 3}{\gr}{  0}
        \circumferencenode{ 4}{\gr}{270}
        \draw (02) -- (3) -- (4) -- (15) -- (02);

The command \circumferencenodeinner is defined in the standard way because of the colons in its replacement text; notice that no optional argument is specified; it's only a helper macro that will be \let to a macro with a LaTeX3 name, so that the variant with suffix nxnx can be created; the x means that the corresponding argument is completely expanded. Indeed when we finally call it, arguments #2 and #4 are passed to \tl_trim_spaces:n whose job is exactly to trim leading and trailing spaces, then passing the rest as is.

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