[Tex/LaTex] How to include pdf image in tikzpicture enviroment


with the following script the pdf image does not appear…, why not?

\usepackage{tikz,amsmath, amssymb,bm,color}
% needed for BB

\tikzset{every picture/.style={font issue=\footnotesize},
        font issue/.style={execute at begin picture={#1\selectfont}}



\node[draw=none,fill=none] at (3.7,3.7) {${\bm\varepsilon }$};
\node[draw=none,fill=none] at (2.4,0.3) {${\bm\varepsilon ^{\rm{e}}}$};
\node[draw=none,fill=none] at (5.1,0.3) {${\bm\varepsilon ^{\rm{i}}}$};
\node[draw=none,fill=none] at (3.7,3.1) {${\bf{C}}$};
\node[draw=none,fill=none] at (2.7,1.6) {${{\bf{C}}^{\rm{M}}}$};
\node[draw=none,fill=none] at (4.8,1.6) {${{\bf{C}}^{\rm{V}}}$};
\node[draw=none,fill=none] at (7.7,1.9) {${\bm\sigma }$};
\node[draw=none,fill=none] at (-0.2,1.9) {${\bm\sigma }$};

\node[draw=none,fill=none] at (0,0){\includegraphics[bb=0 0 0 0]{sls.pdf}};



Best Answer

If the example is run with pdflatex, the following warning appears:

Package pdftex.def Warning: Option `bb' does not make sense,
(pdftex.def)                using `viewport' instead on input line 30.

Remove the wrong option with the empty bounding box/viewport bb=0 0 0 0.

If you want to put the math stuff on top of the image, then move the image node at the beginning before the math stuff nodes.