[Tex/LaTex] How to draw rectangular boxes with TikZ


I want to draw rectangular box around some text, and use arrows to point from one of them to the other. But, one text is a bit longer, so I also want to split it into to lines. I have the following:




        One side


            \node (pq1) {Hard problems};
            \node [dashed,below=of pq1] (pq2) {Construct new problems};
            \node [below=of pq2] (pq3) {Framework fail};
            \node [dashed,below=of pq3] (pq4) {Analyze against \\new adversaries};

            \path[->,thick,cyan] (pq1) edge  (pq2)
                                 (pq3) edge  (pq4);

        Other Part


The point is that only the arrows are drawn, but rectangles are not drawn around the text. I want two of them to be with solid lines, the other two with dashed lines. Also how can I split the text into to lines in TikZ node?

Best Answer

Like this:

enter image description here

For node you need define option align and in your case I suggest also text width=.... I assume, that the shapes of all nodes are the same, so I define a common style for all:


        One side
every node/.style = {shape=rectangle,% is not necessary, default node's shape is rectangle
                     draw=cyan, semithick,
                     text width=0.8\linewidth,
\node (pq1) [draw] {Hard problems};
\node (pq2) [dashed,below=of pq1] {Construct new problems};
\node (pq3) [below=of pq2] {Framework fail};
\node (pq4) [dashed,below=of pq3] {Analyze against \\new adversaries};
\path[->,thick,cyan] (pq1) edge  (pq2)
                     (pq3) edge  (pq4);
        Other Part

If you like to have diferent nodes shape width, accomodate to contained text, than delete option text width=... in definition for every node.