[Tex/LaTex] How to draw overlapping nodes


I'm new to LateX and I would like to draw a complex picture which includes a couple of nodes. I have simplified my problem. My main problem is with drawing overlapping nodes. I have the following code, but I don't know how to make the overlapping that I want. Any help would be appreciated.

     \documentclass[border=1pt, tikz]{standalone}

\usetikzlibrary{positioning, fit}

\begin{tikzpicture}[draw=black, scale=1, transform shape
    , every node/.style = {rectangle, draw=black, align=center, inner xsep=6mm, inner ysep=3mm}
    % change default arrow style
    \tikzset{very thick, ->, -latex, shorten <=0pt, shorten >=0pt}
    \node[name=outer, minimum width = 4cm, minimum height= 3cm] {};
    \node[name=inner, above=(2mm of outer.south)] {Inner Text};
     \node[name=inner2, above=(10mm of outer.south)] {Inner Text2};


What this code produces is like the following:
Current Output

And what I expect is as the following picture shows:
enter image description here

Update: To describe my goal better, I would say that I need to have 4 rectangles (2 normal, 2 dashed-line rectangles). One of the dashed-line ones contain the above normal rectangle +2/3 of the other one and the second dashed-line rectangle includes the remaining 1/3 of the normal rectangle below.
I should mention that I need to use nodes, because all the boxes (rectangles) must have a caption.
Also, it is indifferent if the colors are as the picture or the rectangles are rounded.

Also, the exact place of captions is not that important to me. I just want them to be clear (which one relates to which rectangle). So, they can be centralized or left-adjusted or anything else.

Best Answer

Do you mean something like this?

outer and inner overlapping

You could do it entirely with nodes, but I think it is more straightforward to draw the boundaries of the outer boxes and place the texts separately in nodes without visible boundaries.

\usetikzlibrary{positioning, fit, calc}

  [every node/.style={align=center, inner xsep=6mm, inner ysep=3mm, rounded corners}, very thick]
  \node (inner1) [draw] {Inner Text 1};
  \node (inner2) [draw, below=of inner1] {Inner Text 2};
  \node (outer) [fit=(inner1) (inner2)] {};
  \coordinate (o) at ($(inner2.north)!1/3!(inner2.south)$);
  \draw [blue, densely dashed, rounded corners] (outer.north west) rectangle (outer.east |- o) node [below=5mm of inner1, anchor=center] {Outer Text 1};
  \draw [green, densely dashed, rounded corners] node (outer2) [below=5mm of inner2, anchor=center] {Outer Text 2} (outer.west |- outer2.south) rectangle ([yshift=-\pgflinewidth]outer.east |- o);