[Tex/LaTex] How to draw bar chart using tikz


enter image description here

I have drawn the above figure using powerpoint, how can I plot something similar using tikz?

I want the 3 different sections in every bar which should ve 3 different colors

———edit after 1st answer——

I am using the code from 1st answer but all my bars are overlapping

    \documentclass[border=5mm] {standalone}
\usepackage{pgfplots, pgfplotstable}


\pgfplotstableread{ % Read the data into a table macro
Label   First   Second  Third
10      0.1     0.3     0.3
20      0.2     0.3     0.3
30      0.3     0.4     0.5
40      0.3     0.5     0.8
160     0.5     0.9     1.5

    xbar stacked,   % Stacked horizontal bars
    xmin=0,         % Start x axis at 0
    ytick=data,     % Use as many tick labels as y coordinates
    yticklabels from table={\datatable}{Label}  % Get the labels from the Label column of the \datatable
\addplot [fill=yellow] table [x=First, y expr=\coordindex] {\datatable};    % Plot the "First" column against the data index
\addplot [fill=green!70!blue]table [x=Second, y expr=\coordindex] {\datatable};
\addplot [fill=red!80!yellow] table [x=Third, y expr=\coordindex] {\datatable};


enter image description here

I updated my pgfplots package and now everything is working as expected!

Best Answer

You can use PGFPlots for this. It has an xbar stacked style that uses stacked horizontal bars. Here's an example based on your image:

\documentclass[border=5mm] {standalone}
\usepackage{pgfplots, pgfplotstable}


\pgfplotstableread{ % Read the data into a table macro
Label   First   Second  Third
10      0.1     0.3     0.3
20      0.2     0.3     0.3
30      0.3     0.4     0.5
40      0.3     0.5     0.8
160     0.5     0.9     1.5

    xbar stacked,   % Stacked horizontal bars
    xmin=0,         % Start x axis at 0
    ytick=data,     % Use as many tick labels as y coordinates
    yticklabels from table={\datatable}{Label}  % Get the labels from the Label column of the \datatable
\addplot [fill=yellow] table [x=First, y expr=\coordindex] {\datatable};    % Plot the "First" column against the data index
\addplot [fill=green!70!blue]table [x=Second, y expr=\coordindex] {\datatable};
\addplot [fill=red!80!yellow] table [x=Third, y expr=\coordindex] {\datatable};
