[Tex/LaTex] Changing parameters of specific bar in a bar chart using tikz


at the moment, i draw the following bar chart:


\definecolor{ref}{rgb}{0.65,0.65,0.65} %{0.4,0.8,0.85}



    /pgf/number format/precision=1, 
    /pgf/number format/fixed zerofill=true
    bar width=.2cm,
    legend style={at={(0.5,1.15)},
    anchor=north,legend columns=-1},
    ylabel={Recall [\%]},
    symbolic x coords={1,2,3,1+2,1+3,2+3,1+2+3},
    nodes near coords,
    nodes near coords align={vertical},
    every node near coord/.append style={color=black, rotate=67.5, anchor=center, font=\tiny, xshift=7, yshift=3}

\addplot [fill=lhmm] coordinates {(1,37.5) (2, 43.8) (3, 62.5) (1+2, 62.5) (1+3, 62.5) (2+3, 62.5) (1+2+3, 62.5)}; % ,postaction={pattern=north east lines}
\addplot [fill=ghmm] coordinates {(1,43.8) (2, 50.0) (3, 68.8) (1+2, 75.0) (1+3, 75.0) (2+3, 75.0) (1+2+3, 75.0)};
\addplot [fill=lsvm]coordinates {(1,81.3) (2, 93.8) (3, 93.8) (1+2, 93.8) (1+3, 93.8) (2+3, 93.8) (1+2+3, 93.8)};
\addplot [fill=gsvm]coordinates {(1,87.5) (2, 100.0) (3, 100.0) (1+2, 100.0) (1+3, 100.0) (2+3, 100.0) (1+2+3, 100.0)};



The resulting chart is what I want with one exception: There are several bars
where I would like to draw an additional pattern instead of only filling the bars. For example I would like to have north east lines for the (2, 100.0) entry. Is that possible?

Greetings, Simon.

Best Answer

Thanks Jake, your answer brought me to an idea which is a lot simpler than the presented solution. As I know which bar should have another color I can simply use forget plot and draw two different bars:


\definecolor{ref}{rgb}{0.65,0.65,0.65} %{0.4,0.8,0.85}



    /pgf/number format/precision=1, 
    /pgf/number format/fixed zerofill=true
  bar width = .2cm,
  legend style={at={(0.5,1.15)},
  anchor=north,legend columns=-1},
  ylabel={Recall [\%]},
  symbolic x coords={1,2,3,1+2,1+3,2+3,1+2+3},
  nodes near coords,
  nodes near coords align={vertical},
  every node near coord/.append style={color=black, rotate=67.5, anchor=center, font=\tiny, xshift=7, yshift=3}]

\addplot [fill=lhmm, forget plot, postaction={pattern=north east lines}] coordinates {(2, 43.8) (3, 62.5) (1+2, 62.5) (1+3, 62.5) (2+3, 62.5) (1+2+3, 62.5)};
\addplot [fill=lhmm] coordinates {(1,37.5)};
\addplot [fill=ghmm] coordinates {(1,43.8) (2, 50.0) (3, 68.8) (1+2, 75.0) (1+3, 75.0) (2+3, 75.0) (1+2+3, 75.0)};
\addplot [fill=lsvm]coordinates {(1,81.3) (2, 93.8) (3, 93.8) (1+2, 93.8) (1+3, 93.8) (2+3, 93.8) (1+2+3, 93.8)};
\addplot [fill=gsvm]coordinates {(1,87.5) (2, 100.0) (3, 100.0) (1+2, 100.0) (1+3, 100.0) (2+3, 100.0) (1+2+3, 100.0)};



This of course only works because I am not using the filecontents stuff. Here is the result:

Resulting PDF