[Tex/LaTex] Add axis label to bar chart using tikz


I'm creating a bar chart using the following code:



    enlarge x limits={abs=2cm},
    symbolic x coords={blond, brown},
    bar width = 20pt,
    ylabel= number, 
        ytick align=outside, 
        ytick pos=left,
        major x tick style = transparent,
        legend style={at={(0.04,0.96)},anchor=north west, font=\footnotesize, legend cell align=left,},
    \addplot[ybar,fill=blue, area legend] coordinates {
    \addplot[ybar,fill=purple, area legend] coordinates {
 \legend{Boys, Girls}  


Hower, I would like to add a label under and in between the x-axis labels as shown in the attached figure. How can I create this label?

enter image description here

Best Answer

You just need xlabel by analogy with ylabel. The labels on the x-axis are just tick labels, like those on the y-axis. The fact that they happen to be words rather than numbers doesn't prevent you from also labelling the axis as a whole, just as you can label the y-axis ;). At least, it seems to work for me:

labelled axes



    enlarge x limits={abs=2cm},
    symbolic x coords={blond, brown},
    bar width = 20pt,
    ylabel= number,
    xlabel= hair colour,
        ytick align=outside,
        ytick pos=left,
        major x tick style = transparent,
        legend style={at={(0.04,0.96)},anchor=north west, font=\footnotesize, legend cell align=left,},
    \addplot[ybar,fill=blue, area legend] coordinates {
    \addplot[ybar,fill=purple, area legend] coordinates {
 \legend{Boys, Girls}

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