[Tex/LaTex] How to draw a scatterplot with a function plot


I am trying to plot a scatterplot with a fit line that I have already calculated, but I am having trouble getting them to line up and use the same scale. I tried doing it with

\begin{axis}[xlabel={$\Delta x$ (m)}, ylabel={$Mg$ (N)}]
    \draw[color=red, domain=0:1000] plot (\x,{0.0051026+10.372231*\x}) node[below right] {};
\addplot[scatter, only marks, scatter src=\thisrow{class},
      error bars/.cd, y dir=both, x dir=both, y explicit, x explicit, error bar style={color=mapped color}]
      table[x=x,y=y,x error=xerr,y error=yerr] {
x      xerr      y        yerr     class
0.0047 0.0007071 0.054039 0.000098 0
0.0142 0.0007071 0.152651 0.000098 0
0.0237 0.0007071 0.252051 0.000098 0
0.0332 0.0007071 0.350466 0.000098 0
0.0525 0.0007071 0.548380 0.000098 0
0.0622 0.0007071 0.646893 0.000098 0
0.0720 0.0007071 0.746195 0.000098 0
0.0802 0.0007071 0.844709 0.000098 0

but I am getting a plot that looks like

enter image description here

Can I make the fit line match up with the scatter plot with the type of plot I am using? If not, how can I make this work?

Best Answer

You have two issues with your MWE:

  • You are trying to mix tikz macros within pgfplot's axis environment.
  • Your domain for the function you are tying to plot is incorrect.

1. Manual Fit Line:

So using another \addplot and correcting the domain to 0:08:

\addplot [color=red, domain=0:0.08, mark=none] {0.0051026+10.372231*\x};

you get:

enter image description here



\begin{axis}[xlabel={$\Delta x$ (m)}, ylabel={$Mg$ (N)}]
%    \draw[color=red, domain=0:1000] plot (\x,{0.0051026+10.372231*\x}) node[below right] {};

\addplot [color=red, domain=0:0.08, mark=none] {0.0051026+10.372231*\x};

\addplot[scatter, only marks, scatter src=\thisrow{class},
      error bars/.cd, y dir=both, x dir=both, y explicit, x explicit, error bar style={color=mapped color}]
      table[x=x,y=y,x error=xerr,y error=yerr] {
x      xerr      y        yerr     class
0.0047 0.0007071 0.054039 0.000098 0
0.0142 0.0007071 0.152651 0.000098 0
0.0237 0.0007071 0.252051 0.000098 0
0.0332 0.0007071 0.350466 0.000098 0
0.0525 0.0007071 0.548380 0.000098 0
0.0622 0.0007071 0.646893 0.000098 0
0.0720 0.0007071 0.746195 0.000098 0
0.0802 0.0007071 0.844709 0.000098 0


2. Automatic Fit Line:

Alternatively you could let pgfplots compute the regression line for you by using the same data with:

\addplot [red, mark=none] table[y={create col/linear regression={y=y}}

enter image description here


  • Note that in this case the regression line is automatically only between the extreme points. You would need to adjust your domain to get the same results.
  • You should not duplicate the data as I have done.



\begin{axis}[xlabel={$\Delta x$ (m)}, ylabel={$Mg$ (N)}]
%    \draw[color=red, domain=0:1000] plot (\x,{0.0051026+10.372231*\x}) node[below right] {};

\addplot[scatter, only marks, scatter src=\thisrow{class},
      error bars/.cd, y dir=both, x dir=both, y explicit, x explicit, error bar style={color=mapped color}]
      table[x=x,y=y,x error=xerr,y error=yerr] {
x      xerr      y        yerr     class
0.0047 0.0007071 0.054039 0.000098 0
0.0142 0.0007071 0.152651 0.000098 0
0.0237 0.0007071 0.252051 0.000098 0
0.0332 0.0007071 0.350466 0.000098 0
0.0525 0.0007071 0.548380 0.000098 0
0.0622 0.0007071 0.646893 0.000098 0
0.0720 0.0007071 0.746195 0.000098 0
0.0802 0.0007071 0.844709 0.000098 0

\addplot [red, mark=none] table[y={create col/linear regression={y=y}}] {
x      xerr      y        yerr     class
0.0047 0.0007071 0.054039 0.000098 0
0.0142 0.0007071 0.152651 0.000098 0
0.0237 0.0007071 0.252051 0.000098 0
0.0332 0.0007071 0.350466 0.000098 0
0.0525 0.0007071 0.548380 0.000098 0
0.0622 0.0007071 0.646893 0.000098 0
0.0720 0.0007071 0.746195 0.000098 0
0.0802 0.0007071 0.844709 0.000098 0
