[Tex/LaTex] How to uniformly change bar thickness, box width and add error bars

bar chartgroupplotspgfplotstikz-pgfwidth

4by4 Groupplot

I need help with a few adjustments on this group plot. I managed to solved my previous problem but now I´m searching for a needle in a haystack.

1. How do I make the bars thinner so they may fit better?

  • I have tried to adjust (ybar= 0-10pt) + (2*\pfglinewidth) on BOTH
  • I have tweaked between all the variables I can find back and forth… some don´t seem to make any differences (ybar).

2. How do I adjust the width of the individual boxes?

  • They need to have same width of course but haven't found anything that seems to change it. Adjusting general width just makes the whole "image" more distorted. I want to better fit the bars of course.

3. How do I add error bars with these code settings?

  • I have recently used error bars like below with success. However, can I pass the same argument since my inline table is located in different locate within code?

\addplot [draw=green,fill=green!25,error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit] coordinates {
Table with data
x y z

Code is now fully compilable.


Criterion   Wasserverbrauch   {CO$_2$-Emission}
Komp        8           2349
Komp+PV 8           452
Sorp        14          1006
ABC        230          1006

Criterion   Wasserverbrauch   {CO$_2$-Emission}
Komp        100          10220
Komp+PV 36          5891
Sorp        85          3160
ABC        45          3400

Criterion   Wasserverbrauch   {CO$_2$-Emission}
Komp        230          25657
Komp+PV 97          18306
Sorp        184         7461
ABC        240         7461

Criterion   Wasserverbrauch   {CO$_2$-Emission}
Komp        230          25657
Komp+PV 97          18306
Sorp        184         7461
ABC        240         7461




    group style={
        group name=plots,
        x descriptions at=edge bottom,
        y descriptions at=edge left,
    ylabel={[ML]}, ylabel style=cyan!50!black,
    yticklabel style=cyan!50!black,
    ybar = 0pt, /pgf/bar shift=-12pt, % We have to manually move the bars
    ymin=0, ymax=270,
    enlarge x limits={abs=.5},
    xticklabels from table={\Rambo}{Criterion},
    x tick label style={rotate=90,anchor=east},
    xtick=data, xtick pos=left,
    legend columns=2]

    \nextgroupplot[xlabel=Rambo,legend to name=grouplegend]
    \addplot [water] table [x expr=\coordindex,y index=1] {\Rambo};
        \addlegendentry {Wasserverbrauch}%
    \addlegendimage{co2,ybar legend}

    \addplot [water] table [x expr=\coordindex,y index=1] {\Godfather};

    \addplot [water] table [x expr=\coordindex,y index=1] {\Jedi};

     \addplot [water] table [x expr=\coordindex,y index=1] {\LordVader};

    [group style= {
        group name=plots,
        y descriptions at=edge right,
    ybar = 0pt, /pgf/bar shift=0pt,
    ymin=0, ymax=2.7e4,
    enlarge x limits={abs=.5},
    xtick=\empty, axis line style=transparent,
    ylabel={[kg CO$_2$ per year]},yticklabel style=orange!75!black,
    ylabel style=orange!75!black]

    \nextgroupplot[scaled y ticks=false]
    \addplot [co2] table [x expr=\coordindex,y index=2] {\Rambo};

    \nextgroupplot[scaled y ticks=false]
     \addplot [co2] table [x expr=\coordindex,y index=2,
        ] {\Godfather};

         \nextgroupplot[scaled y ticks=false]
     \addplot [co2] table [x expr=\coordindex,y index=2,
        ] {\LordVader};

     \addplot [co2] table [x expr=\coordindex,y index=2] {\Jedi};

  \node at (plots c2r1.north) [anchor=south, yshift=.6cm] {\ref{grouplegend}};



Best Answer

Since you didn't provide any data for the error bars -- but you already found a solution yourself anyway -- here is a solution for the remaining 2 problems 1 and two.

For more details please have a look at the comments in the code.

% used PGFPlots v1.14
    calc,       % <-- to calculate the legend position
    % use this `compat' level or higher to be able to provide (relative) axis
    % units to `bar width' and `bar shift'
    % define a style wich stores the stuff the both `groupplot' environments
    % have in common
    % (unfortunately there seems to be a bug that prevents also collecting
    %  the stuff from `group style' in another style, see
    %      <https://sourceforge.net/p/pgfplots/bugs/137/>
    %  that is why we have to provide it in both cases separately)
    my axis style/.style={
        % to easier estimate the `width' scale only the axis (box without the
        % ticks and labels)
        scale only axis,
        % now play around with the value so that it fits the `\textwidth'
        % (but of course it has to be smaller than 0.25, because there are
        %  4 plots + 2x ticks + 2x axis labels + 3x axis seperation
        enlarge x limits={abs=0.5},
        % to make the individual bars independent of the `width' of the
        % surrounding axis give a `bar width' in axis units
        /pgf/bar width=\BarWidth,
Criterion   Wasserverbrauch     {CO$_2$-Emission}
Komp        8                   2349
Komp+PV     8                   452
Sorp        14                  1006
ABC         230                 1006

Criterion   Wasserverbrauch     {CO$_2$-Emission}
Komp        100                 10220
Komp+PV     36                  5891
Sorp        85                  3160
ABC         45                  3400

Criterion   Wasserverbrauch     {CO$_2$-Emission}
Komp        230                 25657
Komp+PV     97                  18306
Sorp        184                 7461
ABC         240                 7461

Criterion   Wasserverbrauch     {CO$_2$-Emission}
Komp        230                 25657
Komp+PV     97                  18306
Sorp        184                 7461
ABC         240                 7461


        % define the values for the horizontal separation of the different axis
        % environments, as well as the width and shift of the bars
        my axis style,
        group style={
            group name=plots,
            horizontal sep=\HorSep,
            x descriptions at=edge bottom,
            y descriptions at=edge left,
        ylabel style=cyan!50!black,
        yticklabel style=cyan!50!black,
        xticklabels from table={\Rambo}{Criterion},
        x tick label style={rotate=90,anchor=east},
        xtick pos=left,
        legend columns=2,
%        % this doesn't seem to work ...
%        every axis plot no 0/.append style={water},
%        % ... and we cannot use this style here, because that would also
%        % overwrite the `\addlegendimage' style
%        % so we have to apply the style to each `\addplot' manually
%        every axis plot post/.style={water},
        table/x expr=\coordindex,
        table/y index=1,
        /pgf/bar shift=-\BarShift,
        legend to name=grouplegend,
        legend entries={
        \addplot [water] table {\Rambo};
        \addlegendimage{co2,ybar legend}

        \addplot [water] table {\Godfather};

        \addplot [water] table {\Jedi};

        \addplot [water] table {\LordVader};

        my axis style,
        group style={
            horizontal sep=\HorSep,
            y descriptions at=edge right,
        axis line style=transparent,
        ylabel={[kg CO$_2$ per year]},
        yticklabel style=orange!75!black,
        ylabel style=orange!75!black,
        scaled y ticks=false,
        every axis plot post/.style={co2},
        table/x expr=\coordindex,
        table/y index=2,
        /pgf/bar shift=\BarShift,
        \addplot table {\Rambo};

        \addplot table {\Godfather};

        \addplot table {\LordVader};

    \nextgroupplot[scaled y ticks=true]
        \addplot table {\Jedi};

    \node [anchor=south, yshift=0mm] at
        ($ (plots c1r1.north west)!0.5!(plots c4r1.north east) $)

image showing the result of above code