[Tex/LaTex] how to decrease the size of the circle


I want to draw a binary tree like this:

enter image description here

I have come up with the code below, but the size of the circle is too large. I tried to decrease the size, however, failed, can someone tell me how?

block/.style = {circle, draw,
        text width=2em,align=center,radius=.05cm},
    line/.style = {draw,thick, -latex'},
    node distance=0.9cm and 0.4cm

    % Place nodes
    \node [block] (a) {a};
    \node [block, below left of=a,xshift=-1.0cm, yshift=-0.3cm] (b) {b};
    \node [block, below right of=a,xshift=1.0cm, yshift=-0.3cm] (c) {c};
% Draw edges
\path [line] (a) -- (b);
\path [line] (a) -- (c);


Best Answer

Following the suggestion in Jake's comments, I replaced radius=0.05cm by something like text width = 0.05cm. Below is your modified code.





block/.style = {circle, draw,
align=center,text width = 0.1cm, inner sep = 0.1cm},
line/.style = {draw,thick, -latex'},
node distance=0.9cm and 0.4cm
    % Place nodes
    \node [block] (a) {a};
    \node [block, below left of=a,xshift=-1.0cm, yshift=-0.3cm] (b) {b};
    \node [block, below right of=a,xshift=1.0cm, yshift=-0.3cm] (c) {c};
% Draw edges
\path [line] (a) -- (b);
\path [line] (a) -- (c);



You should get the following output.

enter image description here