[Tex/LaTex] How to convert TikZ to SVG on a Mac


I'd like to be able to convert a TikZ picture written in LaTeX, into an SVG file which I could load up in Inkscape, for some "tweaking". I have read the threads

How can I produce a .svg file from a TikZ diagram?

Maintaining layout of Tikz diagrams with TeX4ht (converting as single pictures)

but I have been unable to get a solution working. In particular, the following solution code to get TikZ to produce an svg file itself via the "tex4ht" option doesn't work for me:

\path (0,0) node[draw] (A) {A};
\path (2,0) node[draw] (B) {B};
\draw (A) -- (B) node[midway,above = 0 em] {via};

I get the following error from pdfLaTeX:

Undefined control sequence.  
\pgfsys@beginicture -> EndP \HtmlParOff ...

Best Answer

You cannot compile this document with pdflatex, you have to use some of tex4ht tools, like htlatex, for example.

Try this:

htlatex filename