[Tex/LaTex] How to change the font for all the numbers in Classic Thesis


I am using Classic Thesis v. 4.5 (https://bitbucket.org/amiede/classicthesis/downloads/) and I do not like the numbers for the section headers, tables, references, etc… Why?
There is no consistency.

Reference number vs number in \texttt{}

Section number vs section number at top part of the page

Numbers in SI package command vs normal numbers.

How can I change the font for the numbers? I tried all the options at the bottom of the file classicthesis-config.tex without success.


Best Answer

First of all, this is not classicthesis alone, you're using arsclassica as well. Iwona font, for some reason, only shows oldstyle figures when the numbers are smallcaps - and this only happens with pdflatex, not xelatex or lualatex. Thus you'll need to change the line


in your Contents.tex to


To stop using Oldstyle figures, though, you'll need to set the classicthesis option palatino=false, and call the package mathpazo witout the osf option:


Check that \sectionmark is now defined as


wherever you see it (arsclassica.sty, Contents.tex) AND replace all the \textsc{\MakeTextLowercase{\thesection}} with \thesection in \titleformat commands of arsclassica.sty.

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