[Tex/LaTex] scrpage2 headers in classic thesis


I am trying to modify the headers in the classicthesis document class, which uses {scrpage2} of koma-script. What I want to have is no number in the sections header on the odd page. I have looked on the questions here and found some answer that I tried. However, the result is that there still appear numbers, albeit 0 for the section and the chapter number. (example: 0.0 in the introduction, and 1.0, 2.0 etc. for chapter 1, chapter 2).

Also, I would like to make the unnumbered chapters such as "Introduction", "Conclusion", and "bibliography" in small caps as the regular chapters.



    {\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\spacedlowsmallcaps{#1}}   {\spacedlowsmallcaps{#1}}}}




I get these results:
odd number, section, caps, but chapter number and zero
even page, no chapter, not in caps

Best Answer

I've found a way to make it work, but it's by specifying manually every single entry (which is fastidious). I enter the following:

    \addchap{Introduction: On Cosmopolitanism}
    \markboth{\MakeUppercase{\spacedlowsmallcaps{Introduction:}}}{\MakeUppercase{\spacedlowsmallcaps{On Cosmopolitanism}}}

Same for the section:

    \addsec{Cosmopolitan theory}
    \markboth{\MakeUppercase{\spacedlowsmallcaps{Introduction: On Cosmopolitanism}}}{\MakeUppercase{\spacedlowsmallcaps{Cosmopolitan Theory}}}